Thursday 21 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #460


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. No change!

Kurt has second thoughts about coming out of his hidey hole when he sees two skeletons bathing ahead. Luckily they don't have pathfinding, so they burn off quickly in the sun when they wander out of the water.

Kurt feeds Wolfie some breakfast and off they head WEST!

Now for donor questions! They will be glorified in the biggest text on this blog until the donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Why do you think the mainstream media gives such limited coverage to space news? What news sources do you read to keep up to date?"

Kurt offers some reasons touching on issues like sensationalism. He also talks about where he gets his own space news.

He builds his first hidey hole near the edge of a cliff where Wolfie nearly nudges him off!

Kurt gives a good lot of space news later and it continues through the whole episode. He also talks about NASA social Twitter events.

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