Monday 25 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #464


Current distance from Kurt: 91 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt begins his day by chopping a tree for more wood. He grabs Wolfie once again and heads WEST!

He talks about his livestreaming, which is something he's getting better at and about a mini-FLoB pre-FLoBathon livestream he's doing as a 4 year anniversary special.

Donor question time! Lots more food questions! Names in big text until donation goal is met!

Donor Robert asks "What started your gluten-free journey? I worked at a restaurant that serves gluten-free options and heard a few stories of how it begins. How did you come to that dietary decision?"

Kurt talks about getting an upset stomach frequently throughout his life. I remember him giving up gluten at some point in the Far Lands or Bust history. He goes in depth about it and it's quite interesting. He talks about meal planning and restaurant research. As for me, I don't have the same allergy but I do have some weird food allergies myself. I have to do lots of food planning so I don't get into a state where I feel like throwing up!

Donor Shasta asks "What do you think of lab grown meat? Would you ever eat it if you could?"

Kurt says he doesn't know much about it. He says he might try it.

Donor NanoCarl asks "Do you have thoughts on the prospect of humans becoming a multi-planet species? Will good old Earth eventually no longer cut it?"

Kurt discusses it for a while. He goes into space exploration but he likes exploration for its own sake and learning more about our own planet this way.

Donor Sinstrite(sp?) asks "When you decided to go East in order to reach the donation goal, did you expect to get a 3:1 like to dislike ratio on your video?"

Kurt says he didn't really think about that aspect and discusses audience reception for a while. That thing about Etho throwing away diamonds makes me laugh! I just found a compilation of them on YouTube. It's good troll-y stuff!

Donor Lee asks "What is your favourite genre of music and do you play any instruments?"

Kurt says it's probably rock and the various types of it. He talks about trying out guitar and piano. I don't think I'd like to develop those guitar finger calluses...

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