Tuesday 12 January 2016

Grow Home 07

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtOy2R-dAVU

While Kurt rides a stalk, he recites the Konami Code! Nice one :)

He climbs onto a rock that spins in the air. Must be careful here to hang on while it spins him upside-down.

Kurt takes another big fall and tries to grab onto something, but whacks his head off the side of a cliff. Ouch!

Afterwards, he catapults himself up into the air so high he's nearly able to glide back to the ship!

There are more rocks that seem to rotate when Kurt grabs onto them. He's getting good at the flying and grabbing!

He finally makes the plant grow enough to reach the ship and bloom! Kurt wonders if this M.O.M. commander is good or evil.

Kurt makes it into the ship. He brings stuff inside and has a look around. There are pictures of his adventure on the walls. He interacts with the computer and it gives him ASCII fireworks. Nice :)

The credits start rolling and Kurt reflects on his enjoyment of the game, then it's back to the computer that gives him another mission to do: Collect 8 star seeds and bring them to any teleporter.

Kurt decides to wrap it up for now and end it on a spectacular note by leaping off the ship, gliding into a cactus and kicking a plant. He does a good finale!

There'll be more videos of this series :)

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