Saturday 9 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #454


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as they continue WEST! Thank goodness for going West! :)

Kurt was feeling a little bummed out, so he decided to record this episode a little early. He talks about a recent test drive he got to do recently. Nice to hear he had a good experience with the car dealer and that they weren't pressuring him to buy.

On the second day, Kurt goes into more donor questions! I'll continue to make the names big.

Donor Danny asks "What did you want to be when you were a kid?"

Kurt says it fluctuated from being a baseball player to fireman/policeman to air force pilot. Currently it's astronaut!

"How was your college experience overall?"

He says it was mediocre! He did ok, apart from the Spanish class. He didn't study web design, even though it became his full time job for a while. That's always an interesting thing isn't it?

Donor Petey asks "What is your favourite prank you have played or have seen others play? If you do get to Minecon, would you consider playing a prank on your fellow MindCrackers and would you enjoy it if any of them played a prank on you?"

Kurt likes the server pranks but not real life pranks.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you prefer day hikes or longer backpacking camping hikes? If you could hike anywhere, where would you like to go? Would you bring anyone with you?"

Kurt would like the chance to do a multi-day hike. I wonder if he's seen the Walter Mitty movie with Ben Stiller? I loved it. He might like it if he's interested in Iceland.

Kurt elevates his hidey hole above a creeper and flees it in the morning.

Donor Katie asks "I know you enjoy the strange and wondrous sights generated in the Minecraft world, but have you travelled anywhere that had views that took your breath away? If not, where are some places you've travelled and want to travel?"

Kurt mentions the Grand Canyon; White Sands, New Mexico for a number of reasons he discusses; Colorado mountains; see the huge trees in California; see an active volcano like in Hawaii.

Donor Emily asks "When I first played Minecraft I was afraid of the squids because I didn't know if they were hostile or not. When you first played Minecraft, did you have such silly misconceptions about the game or were you already an expert from watching Let's Plays?"

Kurt says he only watched X's Adventures in Minecraft before starting, so he did see a lot of stuff that was kind of scary. In general he likes that sense of discovery that he comes across in his recent playthroughs like Grow Home.

Kurt makes a hidey hole in a hurry because he hears footsteps that may not be the sheep bleating nearby. Hopefully that's all it is!

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