Monday 18 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #459


Current distance from Kurt: 93. No change!

Kurt starts his day by blowing up a sheep with a creeper and almost blowing up a cow with another creeper. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Another sheep falls to its doom shortly afterwards. Not a lucky day for sheep hm?

Kurt talks more about his journey in general seeing how the anniversary is around this time. There'll be livestreaming happening soon too.

Donor time! Like before and until the goal is met, I'll make the names big.

Donor Anonymous says "Have some new boots!" so Kurt says he'll make some new boots.

Donor UncheckedCrowd asks "Knowing you're a car enthusiast, have you ever had the desire to own or ride a motorcycle. I got one a few years ago and to me, at least, it's very fun to ride. If so, what type might you want to try? (lists a few)"

Kurt was kind of interested but he's not sure. He talks about it for a while. I wouldn't be into motorbikes at all myself.

Donor Anonymous asks "What do you love about other people?"

Kurt likes comedy and when people are funny.

Donors Peter & Nikki ask "If your YouTube career goes down the pan, what is your Plan B, C and D? Would you go back to do web design or something with art?"

Kurt says he has no idea. He doesn't even have a plan A!

"If Wolfie was to get killed by the glitchy terrain due to the distance from spawn, would you in time find new Wolfie McWolfington or would you let it go alone?"

Kurt talks about Wolfie getting lost during a FLoBathon and during a game crash. Those were technical issues though. As for in-game stuff, he'll think about it when it happens.

Donor Birdgasms asks on behalf of friend Natalie H "What do you think of the colour green?"

He thinks it's alright. It's good.

Another on behalf of friend CraftedCircle "If you have a year off to study whatever you want, what would you study?"

Kurt says he might study geology.

Donor J.J. asks "I wondered if you know much about the field of Quantum Mechanics or if you wanted to learn about it?"

Kurt talks about it for some time, while investigating an underwater spawner.

Donor Sir Voof(sp?) asks "Do you have an attraction to a specific old car?"

Kurt likes the '57 Chevy or the '55 one. Also the Hudson Hornet.

The spawner Kurt was investigating has skeletons but no treasures. Bit of a jump scare there! Wolfie tries to get in on the action too so it's a bit tense!

After this, Kurt makes his final hidey hole for the day.

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