Tuesday 5 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #452

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRfiv8BIf4Q

Current distance from Kurt: 94. Gaining!

We join Kurt, Wolfie, The Pink Sheep of the East and a chicken.

He hasn't reached the donation goal yet, but he's taking the pink sheep as an oracle for him to resume going West once again! Huzzah!

I'll keep publishing donor names in the largest size though until the goal is reached. They're still very important!

Kurt decides to make a monument here, using the pink sheep wool. The sheep itself will probably despawn when Kurt leaves but the wool will live on!

The monument has a cobblestone and wooden base and a stack of snow, black and pink wool as a pole. There's a print in the snow in the mark of an E too.

Kurt gives a shoutout to Donor 0, who gave a very generous donation indeed!

Kurt places a sign on the monument which reads "The Great Pink Sheep of the East 02/20/15 #452". He gives a few words about the little exercise and takes a screenshot of the area before heading WEST!

Not long after he sets off West, he has to make an elevated hidey hole and answers donor questions in the morning.

There's still some questions from Donor Jens(sp?) from the last episode.

"What about good rum? Have you ever tried...." and there's a couple of things listed I can't really spell out because I never heard of them before. I don't drink, you see! Besides, Kurt himself has stopped drinking! He's never gotten into rum. He shares a funny cute thing where he once thought "Rum and Coke" was "Roman Coke". Oh my gosh :)

"Have you ever considered playing old games on YouTube like Unreal 1, Myst, old Need For Speed games etc?"

He has been planning console gaming alright like PS2 games.

"Any favourite dishes you want to share?"

Nothing too special. He recently had spaghetti.

Anonymous Donor asks "If you could create your own ice cream flavour, what would you put in it?"

Walnuts, caramel and fudge. I would not put any of those things in there! Maybe I could try it someday though.

Donor Rubot asks "Would you consider going vegetarian?"

He has but since he's avoiding gluten it would be even tougher. He discusses it in detail.

Donor Alex asks "If you could do any extreme sport, what would it be?"

Auto racing. Kurt mentions a few more examples.

"What classes did you take in high school and college?"

Kurt reflects on his class choices.

"Do you have any plans to make a Minecraft server for your fans to play on?"

He's thought about it and discusses administration concerns.

Donor Sam W asks "What are some states that you would enjoy and consider visiting?"

Alaska among others and wherever Yellowstone is. Also wherever he can partake in his hobbies like astronomy and hiking.

Kurt builds his last hidey hole for the day and ends the episode. I'm so happy that we're all going West again :)

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