Thursday 31 December 2015

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 5


We join Kurt and Beef as they ramp up the difficulty to professional level. Esteban complains about shirts :)

Putting up the difficulty seems to have done something! Kurt's no longer right out in front so it's more of a challenge for both of them.

Kurt comes 8th and Beef comes 16th. Poor Esteban's eyes are all red and bloodshot!

Far Lands or Bust! #449


Current distance from Kurt: 95 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he takes care of a morning creeper safely. He grabs Wolfie and off we head East!

Kurt jumps into donor questions. While Kurt goes East, I'm making the donor names as big as possible!

Donor Thomas in Austria asks "This is my first donation to Child's Play charity via Far Lands or Bust! I really like the idea of deliberately walking in the wrong direction and this encourages me to donate because I want to see the Far Lands! P.S. I wondered if you know anything about Austria?"

Kurt truthfully answers he doesn't know all that much. He says it sounds Austreome :) (Austria + Awesome)

Donor Sticky asks "If you were to choose one person from history to spend a day with, who would it be and why?"

Kurt chooses a living person and decides on Buzz Aldrin for coffee or something. He also mentions Notch! I would like to see him and Notch hang out!

Donor Suxie from Sweden asks "I decided to make my first donation to Child's Play charity! How many different animal species do you think you've ever seen in the wild? How do you feel about that number?"

Kurt weighs things up. He talks about many cool animals he's seen. He also observes many animals in-game while thinking about this!

Donor Anonymous asks "In a previous episode you said you were not interested in space combat games like Elite. Any interest in something that might be more exploration focused like possibly No Man's Sky? Any interest in story driven exploration like Sunless Sea?"

Kurt hasn't heard of Sunless Sea but has heard a bit about No Man's Sky. It's true that he generally does prefer exploration to combat in space games.

Donor Paul R asks "Now that you have a place with a yard and stuff, have you ever thought about trying some gardening? Flowers or vegetables or whatever? Just anything "legal"?"

While answering this question, Kurt comes across a previous elevated hidey hole! Woo!

He answers he hasn't yet. Just planted things in pots. He was thinking of simple things like herbs. He's not huge into gardening and yard work though. He's grown spider plants since he was in first grade. As for me, I grew sunflowers a couple of times but I'm not that big into gardening either.

Donor Bubbers asks "Can you name all of the states of America from memory? I can only remember 49. Dang Nebraska! Cheers!"

Yes and no he says. He recalls a song he learned in elementary school and tries to sing it for us! Well worth listening in! :) Not being from the U.S. myself, it's not a song I recognise, but it's still lots of fun here :) nice going Kurt!

Donor Razmoose(sp?) asks "FLoB has alerted me to the NASA ESA livestreams and rekindled my interest in space! Do you have any video game or T.V. shows or movies that you consider a guilty pleasure?"

He says he doesn't.

Donor Seer Richter(sp?) asks "I'm an aspiring aeronautical aerospace engineer and was curious if you would consider taking lessons to get a private pilot's licence?"

Kurt says yes and it's something he always thought about in middle school. He also thought about becoming an aircraft mechanic.

After this, Kurt builds the last hidey hole of the day.

Call of Duty 2 E19


Kurt starts a mission in a tank that's about to blow up. He jumps out and advances with the others to the farmhouse where the enemy lurks and through the town to fight more enemies.

After this mission, the credits start rolling. At this point it's just us hanging out with Kurt as he gives his impressions of the game and playing it again after so many years. It's nice to hang out with him like this :)

It's a highlight for any fan :)

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP51


We join Kurt on a barn find. After a bit of searching he finds a Ferrari 250 GT. "I bet you're good at video games" the girl says to him when they meet. Fun stuff :)

After this, he heads to the next race, which takes place in the rain. He wins.

Offroad race next. He wins this too.

He then challenges someone's Drivatar to a race. He beats them.

Last race and he comes second. Still top in the rankings though.

Kurt wins the championship! :) He continues to do some great racing!

Now for a few wheelspins! He unlocks a perk that increases luck and goes spinning. He wins a good bit of money and also a Nissan Fairlady Z 432 and a Ferrari Dino 246 GT. Nice payout! :)

Kurt sets up a new bucket list ready for the next episode and gets drawn to a pizza stand! :)

Far Lands or Bust! #448


Current distance from Kurt: 96 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he almost gets pushed into a hole by Wolfie. Off they go East towards spawn until they reach the donation goal!

He discovers a hollowed out mountain grove and gathers some wood from there. He also takes a screenshot.

Instead of jumping off a cliff, Wolfie spawns next to Kurt! Good boy, Wolfie!

Kurt gives some news of some recent space launches.

On the second day, Kurt goes into donor questions!

Donor Anonymous asks "How are you?"

"Never been better!" Kurt says and talks about greetings for a little while.

Kurt finds a cool weird pixel pattern of grass blocks in the water. This is in the video thumbnail as well. Kind of looks like a splattered Space Invader :)

Kurt talks about some more plumbing issues he's been having lately... :(

Donor Rebecca from Alaska asks "My daughter(Jillian), a 9 year old and I enjoy watching Far Lands or Bust! together. We love the idea of turning East until you reach the goal! What was school like for you growing up? Were you bored? Class clown? Favourite teacher?"

He answers that it was pretty standard, though he was introverted. He talks more about it, while the Minecraft music plays :) he also recommends learning to not just be in school. Ain't it the truth!

He excavates a zombie spawner half buried in sand and gravel. Only one chest of iron but it's something.

Donor DeltaWhiskey says "You've crossed the line from regular villainy to cartoonish super villainy!"

He truly has! I'm not sure when he'll turn around again to continue, but it is kinda nerve wracking to watch him go backwards!

Call of Duty 2 E18


Kurt continues the mission. He and his team manage to raid a bunker in the mountains. After this it's mostly fighting in this hillside wooded area. He passes this mission.

In the next mission the woods are almost completely gone and he has to protect a bunker from the approaching enemy. He passes this mission too.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP50


We join Kurt at the industrial area, trying to break a board he couldn't reach before. Now though, he has an Aston Martin! It looks quite tricky to reach alright. He manages it though :)

Kurt goes shopping for a car but chooses one he already owns, a 2011 BMW X5 M. Thanks to the confusing menu system, the game tries to sell him a second one. He doesn't let it though.

He jump cuts after some upgrades and goes into a cross country race. He does pretty well, coming in second.

Far Lands or Bust! #447


Current distance from Kurt: 97 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he's greeted by the bark of Wolfie and the... noise that a spider makes. Away they go! East!

Doesn't feel any less weird! He got a bit of a jump in donations though!

Big jump in questions too! Like I announced last episode, I'm going to make the donor names bigger!

Donor Bryan and other donors give sentiments of support.

Very Generous Donor Quietust asks "If it were possible for you to instantly visit any place in the solar system and study it up close, where would it be? Caverns beneath the surface of Mars? Oceans beneath the surface of Europa? Deep within the atmosphere of one of the gas giants? And even crazier, a more mysterious place?"

Kurt says Europa is high up on that list. He discusses it for a while and gives other examples.

He sees lava flowing down a hill and generating cobblestone with the neighbouring river.

Donor Anonymous asks "I was wondering if you expected the "East Uproar" to be so large. Was that a calculated risk or did you expect full support from your community?"

Kurt says he ran it by some MindCrackers at PAX and discusses other stuff, but feedback seems to be generally positive.

Donor Big Dave says he should've named the house he built "West Point". Kurt thinks it's a great idea. I guess it's a good idea... Is it a pop culture reference?

Very Generous Donor ShreadsWithWheat asks "If you could fill your garage with any five cars, what would they be?"

Kurt answers they would be very skinny cars as the garage isn't that big! Seriously though, he discusses some car options for a while.

"Do you plan your meals in advance when you are shopping, or do you just cook whatever you have on hand at the time?"

Kurt talks about his regular meals for a while. I'm a bit surprised he doesn't like salt and vinegar crisps! Plain crisps are still pretty good though. He keeps things simple!

Donor Adam wanted to give a shout out to Christine. They're getting married! Congratulations :) He also asks "Since you're a man of taste, what are your go to shoes?"

Kurt shares his shoe collection.

He then builds his last hidey hole for the day.

Well! The scheme seems to be working!

Call of Duty 2 E17


Kurt's now doing a mission as the Americans.

He finds a sniper rifle hidden in a bunker and picks some enemies off.

Monday 28 December 2015

Gravity Ghost 03


More Gravity Ghosting with Kurt! In this episode he goes into the deer galaxy. Things are icy in this area.

A wolf is found here and tags along for a while.

At the end there's a big deer that gives you its shiny thing.

Some nice cut scenes here with some emotional moments.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP49


Kurt soups up his 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish in the garage.

After this he enters a rainy day race and wins.

Next race is the championship final and he wins this too. Nice one Kurt!

After this, Kurt has fun with a golf ball monument, rolling it around the place with his car. Nice to see there are new ways to have fun :) rolling things around like a Katamari!

Call of Duty 2 E16


Kurt starts this mission on a farm with dead animals lying around. Soon they're in the thick of battle again.

Better now to be able to see things, now that it's nice and bright. No rain either.

Sunday 27 December 2015

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 4


Kurt and Beef go to Shanghai. They come first and second in the qualifying but that's just fine with Esteban! Second place is better than first you know :)

We actually see Beef ahead of Kurt in the race! He's passed him before but it's usually Kurt that does so well.

Beef gives out to Kurt for making fun of his accents and they talk a bit about PAX memories, or at least the experience of San Antonio's roads.

They're beating the competition very well. Beef is way in front of the others and Kurt is even further in front. It's pretty lonely for both of them! At least they can chat over Skype or something.

Beef gives out to Kurt again for not seeing Total Recall, which is his favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. "Come on! It's got Mars in it!" he says to that effect :)

Not sure what my favourite Arnie movie is. Predator maybe. Kindergarten Cop I liked when I was really young. The most recent thing I saw Arnie in was an advert for a mobile phone game.

Anyway, Kurt wins the race and Esteban comes up in his favourite place!

Far Lands or Bust! #446


Current distance from Kurt: 98 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt resisting the urge to pee while waiting for Wolfie to bark. Water runs in the background.

The whole first day is spent teasing us about what the big charity stunt is going to be. He builds the first elevated hidey hole on a cool looking arch above the water. When he goes to sleep though, he gets a rude awakening from a skeleton! He promises this isn't part of the plan!

Kurt reveals the plan and omg... it's something else. He's going to walk BACKWARDS until he can raise enough money to start FloBathon. That sounds pretty serious! It's quite devious too!

He builds a little house and puts up a sign that says "EAST OR BUST! 2/6/2015 Episode 446 For Charity!!"

So in the morning, off he goes! Backwards! He takes Wolfie as well. One last screenshot of the house and back he goes!

"So! How's it going?" he says, asking if it feels weird. Yes Kurt, it feels very weird.

After this he goes into donor questions. Hooo... it really is all about the donors isn't it! They're the only ones who can turn this thing around! They're more important than ever now! I'm going to empower them with bigger text until this whole thing changes!

Donor Dan asks if there's anything Kurt misses about Chicagoland yet.

Kurt mentions family and familiarity. He also mentions how it's culturally a bit different.

Even though Kurt is going backwards, he builds an all new hidey hole. Good grief, this is going to be so weird :O

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP48


We join Kurt as he finds he's not allowed to do some custom work on one of his cars. Boo! He's able to do something though, like colours and whatnot, so he spends some time at the garage.

Kurt takes it out for a spin and a race. He comes second in this race.

Kurt does another race in the rain and comes third.

Saturday 26 December 2015

SpinTires #45


Kurt struggles with the fuel tank over some slightly muddy roads and reveals some of the cloaking.

Driving into the night, he comes across a cabin. Later, he tries to navigate his way to a certain point. Next, he uses the river to help him along his way.

This session with the steering wheel seems to add something to the game for him. Hopefully, it'll continue to be fun.

Call of Duty 2 E15


Kurt starts a mission on a rainy night. Kind of hard to see who anyone is unless they have a nametag.

Weather's bad and it really does seem to be less unpleasant when you go indoors to aim at something.

The battle takes him through a church and through another difficult section.

Far Lands or Bust! #445


Current distance from Kurt: 98 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he leaves his grave-like hidey-hole, grabs Wolfie and away they sail to the Far Lands!

Kurt teases a little fundraising event for an upcoming episode. I wonder what it'll be? Will I like it? Will I not like it? I'll find out soon! Of course, it's in the past so I can find out now but... where's the fun in that?

Let's jump into donor questions!

Donor ColdWithin asks "Are the rumours I've heard regarding a co-op SpinTires true?"

Kurt discusses it and hopes he can play some of it soon, with perhaps more than one other player too.

They also ask about a possible return to Eidolon. Kurt hopes to! I'm looking forward to more videos in these games too.

He answers another old Twitter question about countries where he'd like to travel.

After this, Kurt talks more about his home plumbing issues. Fun and not so fun stuff...

It's been a while since the last Far Lands or Bust! Flashback, so Kurt invites us to nominate such a moment. Wonder what I'd pick? Hmm...

Kurt takes another screenshot of a cool mountain formation.

Also, regarding Flashbacks, he says we don't need to watch every episode of Far Lands or Bust! to catch up. This is my own challenge though :) I might as well keep going the way I'm going. I'm still willing anyway!

While sailing, Kurt talks about missing fried calamari since making his dietary changes. I've never had it before. Wouldn't really be too enthusiastic about trying it either!

Kurt builds his hidey hole with the soothing sound of a flowing river nearby. He apologises for the lack of commentary in this episode, but I think he did very well!

Gravity Ghost 02


Kurt continues on to the Ocean of Storms. Here, there are planets that aren't platforms to step on. Instead, they're bodies of water to splash through.

There's a cutscene and a part where Kurt meets a mouse that sings! Pretty neat. You don't really know what to expect from this game.

Friday 25 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP47


We join Kurt for a bucket list mission in a little Ferrari. He wins it.

Judging by the thumbnail for this video, things are going to get interesting indeed :)

It all happens when Kurt glitches out the game and falls through the ground, regretting nothing! It's pretty funny! He even tries to do it over and over again by driving into the same wheelie bins. He's found the Far Lands in Forza Horizon 2!

Later on he finds an army jeep in a barn find.

He's started the fast travelling now too.

SpinTires #44


Happy Christmas everyone! Nice timing too for the prodigal series to return!

Kurt returns to this game which is now newly updated with steering wheel support.

He starts a fresh game on The Hill map. He loads up a fuel tanker and makes his way.

He's getting along pretty well here. No massive rocks or mud puddles. Good to see him back with this :)

Thursday 24 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E14


We join Kurt for a rainy mission in a built up area. It lasts for the whole episode.

Far Lands or Bust! #444


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change for the fifth time! Quite the combo!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as they get another creeper morning visitor. Kurt decides to take it out as it seems quite keen to come into the hidey hole.

It's Minecraft News time! Da da da daaa! Minecon 2015 date was announced for July in London. It's already happened, so I wonder how it went?

Some space news too. There was a State of NASA address where they talked about missions to Jupiter's Europa.

On the second day, Kurt shares a story about plumbing issues in his new place. Sounds like a scary thing! Also, I don't remember that he has to wear contact lenses... how little I know. Oh well.

He finds a submerged spider spawner but doesn't bother with it. Too deep in the water.

Now for donor questions!

"Have you ever considered attending some sort of road racing rally events and doing some footage or impressions of that for your vlog channel?"

Sounds like he'd like to.

Donor David asks "If the Minecraft world existed in reality and you yourself were the one making the journey, do you think you'd make it?"

He weighs up many factors influencing such a situation. He says someone may think of it before him.

Donor Alex asks "Have you read The Martian by Andy Weir?"

He hasn't and says he doesn't really read much. I like reading but I haven't read that one.

Donor Devon asks "If you could choose between becoming an instant millionaire or bringing someone back from the dead, what would you choose?"

He would choose being a millionaire. I would too.

As he finishes up for the day, he talks about how he'd like to go to Minecon London.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP46


Kurt chooses his Bel Air and does the Horizon Finale event he did a while ago. He wants to see if he'll get as big a reward as he got that other time.

He doesn't get as much money after he wins but he gets 3 wheel spins.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Let's Play CONDOR - Indie Cyberpunk Livestream


We join Kurt for another indie first person adventure :) he loves playing these and I love watching.

Looks like a neat psychadelic cityscape with a cyberpunk theme.

This is a livestream archive too. Truth be told, Kurt's streaming as I write this, but I have so much to catch up on. Can't tune in :(

He has a jetpack in this game and for fun he goes around jumping on lots of objects.

It goes on for an hour so it's a nice lengthy odyssey together with Kurt.

At the end, Kurt discusses the ending. What happened? I can't really imagine any kind of explanation!

Call of Duty 2 E13


We join Kurt on sniper duty. He's not the biggest fan of it but he does pretty well. When it's time to leave there's a funny glitchy moment where he can't get past his army buddy and he can climb through another one of his army buddies!

Lots more action ahead. There's some funny foreign accents too.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 3


We join Kurt and Beef as they do a nighttime competitive time trial. Beef appears on Kurt's screen as a ghost car. Kurt wins it :) as far as nights out go, this sounds like a great idea.

Kurt's steering wheel noises make an appearance too! They mention how it sounds crunchy. It does a little bit (cue Homer Simpson reference "mmm crunchy *drool*")

They talk about the recent PAX South, where there weren't any driving games played. Kinda funny that they feel left out, because driving games are usually the mainstream!

The main race they do, Kurt comes first and Beef comes second. Ends with the usual funny Esteban voice :)

Far Lands or Bust! #443


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he fiddles with his volume settings for a little bit before heading off once again to the Far Lands!

He comes across a hole that kinda looks like a spawner but doesn't really. It kind of makes you stare at it for a moment though.

Donor Anonymous asks "What would you do if you died in the game?"

Kurt talks about all the beds he's set over the years. If the worst comes to it, I hope that plan works and that Wolfie would be ok too.

On the morning of the second day, Kurt has to deal with a couple of flaming mobs. He decides not to be so chatty at bedtime!

Donor ZK asks "Over the weekend, instead of going to PAX South, I went to a HPDE (High Performance Driving Event). It was a blast to drive on a road course. Since you have such an interest in cars, have you ever considered or have you ever driven on a track?"

He hasn't but he's interested. I wouldn't be interested myself.

Kurt spots a couple of natural bridges and comes up with a theory on the terrain generation in this version of the game.

Donor Trake asks "Were there any MindCrackers that you met in person for the first time at PAX South? Is there any particular MindCracker that you get on better with than the others?"

OMGChad and Coestar he met for the first time. As for the other question he discusses it for a while, talking about stuff like SpeedRunners and other joint venture recordings.

Donor FiddyCal623 asks "Have you seen the Hobbit Trilogy, and if so what did think of it compared to Lord of the Rings? Have you ever eaten sushi before?"

He has and he gives his thoughts about it. He hasn't eaten sushi. I have. I'd prefer vegetarian sushi. I've seen all those movies too. They're all good and ok. I like one trilogy about the same as the other.

Donor Fabian talks about aspirations for space exploration.

Later on in the video, Kurt talks about Twitch's large presence at PAX South and talks about livestreaming and partnerships in general.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP45


We join Kurt as he turns down the difficulty but turns on the damage. He heads into the next race. He does well with the new settings and goes into the final race. He does very well in this championship but ranks in at number 2.

He's restarting, so he has 15 championships to get through.

At one point he does a bucket list mission and messes up so much, he has a little fail montage edited in. Poor Kurt!

Monday 21 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E12


We join Kurt for another mission through muddy fields and houses. I wonder who used to live here?

Not sure if the mission ends when the video does. It's a pretty long mission...

Far Lands or Bust! #442


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change! Whew!

After a week, Kurt has fully returned from PAX and is ready to continue once more to the Far Lands!

On the first day, Kurt talks all about PAX and San Antonio.

On the second day, Kurt reviews further.

At one stage, Kurt gets ambushed by a skeleton from a cave! He doesn't get hurt but when he heads back he does. Wolfie then kills it. Kind of nerve wracking. He usually never lets Wolfie near a skeleton! Wolfie couldn't help but jump out of the sit position though. Kurt then rewards Wolfie with some food :)

Later on, Kurt answers some donor questions!

Donor StarSqueak(sp?) asks "Have you ever been in a sailboat?"

Kurt says he hasn't but has been on other boats. Same with me

another question "What vegetable do you like the least?"

He generally likes vegetables. I do as well, except for peas.

"Are you enjoying your new home?"

He is indeed. He talks more about it.

"Do you sing when you're by yourself?"

He doesn't really.

"Is this too many questions?"

haha you're grand :)

Kurt goes on to build his final hidey hole of the day. While snoring, he wonders why he lost half a heart. Did he forget about the skeleton that ambushed him?

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP44


Kurt the champion continues! Different cities have different championships so Kurt decides to go on.

He first heads to Sisteron and decides to try Unbeatable difficulty.

He tries a couple of races but he gets his butt kicked in them. :(

Sunday 20 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E11


Kurt fights another mission across the muddy rainy countryside. There's some weird green smoke at one stage. He beats this mission too.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP43


Kurt enters the finale with his Bugatti Veyron! It's a long tough race that gives him cramps. He wins the whole thing anyway :)

In wheel spins he wins a Mazda MX-5 Miata.

He does some celebratory doughnuts to end the episode!

Call of Duty 2 E10


It's the Saving Private Ryan beach mission! After all the beach mayhem, there's a bit of quietness when Kurt and the army are going through countryside and farm houses. It gets a bit quiet and there's a nice bit of atmosphere here too. Kurt even checks out the furniture :)

He goes on to win this mission.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Gravity Ghost 01


Kurt returns to Gravity Ghost! He gives us a good introduction to this updated version of the game.

There's one level that's set up like bowling pins and Kurt talks about the time he went bowling recently. Not to worry Kurt, I barely make 100 either!

There's another level that reminds him of pinball and another that's just like those ball bearing mazes. it's not all art, it's pretty video gamey as well.

At the end of the episode he completes the constellation and shows us a glimpse of the rest of the constellations on offer in the game. He also holds a little competition for viewers to win his extra download code of the game. What a nice thing :)

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP42


We join Kurt as he drives into an industrial yard to break a board. He then continues to the next event, a street race. He takes second place.

The final event takes place during rainy weather. He comes in third place but ranks first, winning the last championship!

He wins a BMW X5 M in a wheel spin.

When he reaches the Horizon finale he's given the choice of whatever vehicle he likes. He picks the Bugatti Veyron. Racing happens in the next episode!

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 2


Race No. 2 with Kurt and VintageBeef!

Kurt does so well in the first race that Beef suggests he races with just three wheels! I like Beef's Esteban character. Good fun :)

Kurt does pretty well in the next race too. He's nearly always ahead so things are a little quiet up here with regards to the other drivers!

Friday 18 December 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #38


Kurt welcomes us back to SpeedRunners, starting with the Subway 1.0 stage. We're joined once again by Coestar, Millbee and MCGamer.

The next one is weird as it takes place in a central arena. I guess you knock other players off like in Smash Bros. Millbee wins this one.

Next is SpeedCity Nights. Coestar wins this one.

Next is Super SpeedRunners in the Library. Kurt wins this one. He really earned it too! It was close and exciting at the end there!

Call of Duty 2 E09


Kurt finishes up the mission in Tunisia and continues with another mission. The next one doesn't start too well but gets better as he plays on. This ends cinematically with some anti aircraft gunning.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP41


Kurt soups up his car before going to the next race. It seems to pay off as he wins it :)

He goes on a barn find and comes across a Ford Capri RS3100. It seems to have a police light on it too.

He has some fun with bales of hay and sets off again.

Thursday 17 December 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #37


The video begins with Kurt, MCGamer and Coestar holding out their stretched hooks like kite strings, hence the video title! Fun glitch!

Millbee joins in once they start the racing.

First is Rocket Runners in The Theme Park stage. I think MC makes a Mischief Makers reference here! If so, then nice! he says some other funny stuff too like r-r-rejected! It's a long one and Coestar wins it.

Second is Speed Hookers in the Factory stage. It's another long one and some amazing hooks are happening. It all comes down to 2/3 for each. Millbee wins it.

Only two this episode as they were both long. Nice kite flying thing at the start though :)

Far Lands or Bust! #441


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he's greeted this morning by a creeper. He has a battle on the ice with it and defeats it. He then grabs Wolfie and on we go once again to the Far Lands!

He gives us some space news all about the new photographs of Ceres. There's other stuff too so have a listen!

On the second day, Kurt spies a bathing skeleton and defeats it with arrows.

As he walks and sails along, he talks more about his upcoming appearance at PAX South with the other MindCrack members.

Now for donor questions!

Donor DarkGlasses asks "Are there any other MindCrackers' builds you particularly admire?"

He talks about BDoubleO's arena and VintageBeef's island community as well as other members' projects for a while.

As for me, I really liked the meteor prank the others made outside Kurt's observatory! It looked amazing and it had nice presents inside!

On the third day, Kurt frees some cows from being trapped in a water hole. How kind! :)

Another question: "Have you been enjoying Zisteau's single player adventure in alpha beta Minecraft?"

Kurt hasn't seen it yet. He talks more about the terrain generation in the earlier versions of the game and how Zisteau is taking an interest in how things used to look too.

Kurt takes a few screenshots and spots a really interesting cliff land formation with trees growing out of it.

I haven't watched that series either. I bet it's really interesting though, to see what is now lost to updates.

There's one moment where Kurt is sailing and he takes a notion to be silent for a while. Interesting moment, but I'm glad he starts speaking again! He then talks about the earlier wolves he had before Wolfie. He talks about more Wolfie moments before setting up his final hidey hole for the episode. He makes it a nice hidey hole and thanks the Far Landers for remembering Speedy the Box Turtle's anniversary. Far Landers are the best fans ever :)

This is the last episode before Kurt goes to the convention, so it looks like my distance from Current Kurt will grow back into triple digits for another while! Oh well!

Call of Duty 2 E08


We join Kurt for a mission in Tunisia. He starts in a building until the enemy breaks in. Then he goes out to take over one of their tanks. The tank is lost after a while and he has to continue fighting through the streets. He finishes this mission.

The next mission starts on a tank driving along until the enemy attacks. Then it's more fighting on the streets.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP40


We join Kurt as he makes his way to the last race in the championship and he wins! Just one more championship to go in order to unlock the Horizon Finale, whatever that is.

He goes to the garage to paint his 2010 Lexus LFA red and navigates the confusing championship select menu. He manages to pick something and heads on a road trip to Montellino. When he arrives he does some upgrade work.

He starts the first event. Last time he did this championship he came 7th in the ranking, so hopefully he gets on better. He comes fifth in the first race. Seems like a difficult enough championship.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #36


It's been a small while but here were are once again with Kurt the Flash, Coestar, Millbee and MCGamer!

The first level is Rocket Runners at the Swift Peaks stage. Is this a new level? It's a lovely snowy Wintery scene with icicle caves on the underside. It comes close enough but Coestar wins this first one.

The second level is Super SpeedRunners in the Alley stage. There's some kind of new freeze power up now! Whoa! Kurt wins this one :) yay!

The third level is Super SpeedRunners in the Powerplant stage. Poor MC's controller goes haywire and he's getting stuck in walls and everything. Millbee wins this one.

Far Lands or Bust! #440


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. Double digits!! Whoa! :O

We join Kurt as he exits his neat archway hidey hole, gathering his iron ingots and Wolfie and away they go on their continuing journey to the Far Lands!

Kurt suspects he's being tailed by a creeper and suspicions are confirmed! He quickly shakes it off. Afterwards he comes across another cool dark patch under an overhanging cliff. He doesn't go inside though as there are lots of nasties gathered within.

Then it's donor question time!

The very generous Donor ZeroSquadron asks "Have there been any other amazing stories from your childhood?" after enjoying Kurt's dentist stories.

Kurt thinks for a moment and decides to have a "Story Time With Kurt!" later in the episode.

He asks about other stuff like Kurt's old drawings. Unfortunately, Kurt doesn't have many of them anymore but he says he'll have a look.

On the second day it's story time! He investigates a zombie spawner within a cave first. He's not really supposed to though and you can see why if you watch! Later on he ignores another spawner of this nature!

Anyway, story time is about Kurt's experience as a co-pilot! It was on some kind of field trip. It's a very interesting story so have a listen!

YouTube Commenter Natalie asks "Have you seen any pink sheep?"

It has been a while since a pink sheep was seen... I wonder where they are? We see a brown sheep here but no pink ones.

Kurt talks more about the PAX South convention. At the end of the day, he builds a sandy hidey hole with the dirt roof.

He's right about the fall damage SFX. The old grunt sounds nowhere near as bad as the bone breaking snap!

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E07


More missions in Egypt with Kurt. He starts this next one in a vehicle heading towards a town and fights through the streets. There's also some ships being bombed in the harbour. Later on, he gets to drive a tank and fight other tanks. At the end of the episode he does doughnuts. Is this becoming a pattern? :)

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP39


We join Kurt as he challenges a Drivatar to a quick race for lots of credits.

He does another bucket list mission in a Ferrari F40. First one in a while and he wins it. It's not exactly Outrun 2 but I guess this is as close as we're gonna get!

He wins a Lexus LFA and an Alfa Romeo Spider Quadrifoglio Verde in wheel spins.

He goes into another event which is a street race during the evening. He comes in second but is still top in the rankings.

The next event after this is a circuit race during the day. He wins this one.

He ends the episode doing lots of doughnuts and looking at nearby road accidents.

Call of Duty 2 E06


We join Kurt for another mission in Egypt. It's all about fighting off the advancing enemy at night, using heavy artillery and calling in air strikes on distant vehicles. He finishes this one successfully.

The next one takes place during the day. He jokes how the spray of the sand is making him sneeze in real life! :) in this one he clears some gun nests of the enemy, one of which he does very tidily with a grenade.

Monday 14 December 2015

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 1


Kurt and VintageBeef ride again for a new season of Formula 1!

They begin their co-op in Albert Park, Australia on a rainy day.

One thing I always loved about their playthroughs is the "I dunno what happened man" dialogue they give the driver when he doesn't do well.

This is my first time blogging about them together playing these games. I like the dynamic between them and hearing how Beef is doing on his side, even though I can't see his perspective in this video.

Far Lands or Bust! #439


Current distance from Kurt: 100 episodes. Gaining! Getting exciting :)

We join Kurt as he retraces his steps back to the first attempt at last night's hidey hole. It was a scary moment! Check that out too!

Soon afterwards, Kurt continues on his journey to the Far Lands! He talks about the recent Falcon 9 landing attempt on an unmanned sea barge in great detail. I looked up a video of it and it's quite dramatic.

On the second day, Kurt talks about the discovery of the lost Mars Beagle 2 lander.

Now it's time for donor questions!

Patron Michael asks "If a magical genie would appear and tell you it could get rid of your introversion, but it would mean that you would lose your sense of humour, would you do it?"

He says he wouldn't. I wouldn't either. There's value in it.

Donor M4CO asks "What kind of social contact do you have in real life?" (this donor mentions they work at home)

Kurt talks about this for a while, about talking on the phone and other stuff.

He takes a screenshot of a cliff with a pillar underneath.

Donor Peter&Kat ask "Do you enjoy doing puzzles? Sudoku or Nonograms?"

Kurt isn't into puzzles much but he likes Scrabble and he's good at the Magic Eye things. He's a genius I tell you! :) (sailboats... bah!) as for me I like puzzles. Not too many at once though. The odd Sudoku is fine and nonograms are awesome. I love a bit of Picross :)

Donor HappyFlavour asks "Whatever happened to the snarky yellow text?"

Kurt explains it all until he runs his boat into dry ground, but continues explaining. The snarky yellow text was fun for me but I don't mind it not being there. It still appears at the start when Wolfie barks and some other irregular occasions where it does get a laugh from me :) it's all good!

Kurt builds his hidey hole at a natural arch and cooks some iron that was lining the wall. He has central heating tonight :)

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP38


Kurt makes his way to the next championship and goes car shopping. He buys a black 2011 Audi RS 3 Sportback and his destination is once again in Castelletto. The road trip there is rainy and full of conflict but he makes it! He does some upgrades in the garage too.

He does pretty well in the first race so it was a good choice!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E05


We join Kurt as he starts the next mission in an apartment. In this one he gets to try being a sniper, though he's not a big fan of sniping.

His fully voiced teammates yell instructions and tell him where the enemies are.

He finishes this mission successfully and goes on to the next one, which takes place in Egypt. I never heard of that in history class either.

Far Lands or Bust! #438


Current distance from Kurt: 101 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he spots creepers to the East. Are they tailing him?

While boating, Kurt spots some cool terrain and investigates. He comes across a deep dark patch with lots of mobs inside! He doesn't explore further though!

Kurt wishes his nephew Goober a Happy Birthday! Happy Belated Birthday Goober! 11 months late for me to say I know, haha... sure you'll have another one soon! Anyway, Kurt bought Goober a copy of Super Mario Galaxy and asked us if that was a good gift. Heck yes Kurt!! That's one of the best Wii games and you're the coolest uncle ever!

Kurt also tells us about a project undertaken by a fellow Far Lander where they're recording all kinds of statistics. Their online handle is Cold_Within and their website is here:

I had a look at the kind of thing they're doing and I just gotta say wow! I guess we have something in common where we're both doing fan projects but I'm only doing a viewer's diary! They're recording all kinds of things! I wish luck for both of us as fans of the intrepid adventurer!

At the end of the first day, Kurt thanks Sevadus for donating to Child's Play charity. He did a livestream where he got hit in the head with a meteor. I've never seen the likes of that in Minecraft before... then again, my main Minecraft experience is Far Lands or Bust!

On the second day, Kurt talks about adjusting to an electric stove when he's used to a gas stove.

Then he goes into donator questions!

Not Sevadus' one though, because he asked the "duck-sized horse/horse-sized duck" question. Kurt appreciates it anyway. I had to look it up! I was rewarded with an amazing Bill Murray video on YouTube, where he answers the question and you know what? I don't have to think. I'm 100% on board with Bill's answer!

Donator Anonymous asks "Other than Minecraft, what is your favourite video game?"

Kurt talks about what Minecraft means to him and discusses a couple of other options. As for me, Super Mario Galaxy is up there, which is why I think Kurt's such a cool uncle!

Donator Noah asks "Will you ever resume playing Kerbal Space Program?"

He sounds open about it.

Second question: "What is your favourite episode of Far Lands or Bust! to date?"

He mentions the video where he goes back to the Dark and Magical Pit of Bottomless Destiny and the Hidey Hole Paradox opening with the dramatic music. Loved that one too myself! He says this series gets samey but it has a lot of amazing moments!

Donator Pedankadank(sp?) asks "I frequently catch your Simpsons references. Do you still watch the newer episodes and what do you think?"

Kurt has been falling behind. I have too...

Second question, which is about Kerbal Space Program and the new intro Kurt made for it. Some KSP fans here!

At one stage the Wolfie seal of approval appears on screen. Haven't seen that in a long time!

@b_buddy_s (correct handle?) from Twitter asks "There are many manual skills, such as welding, woodworking and so on. What manual skill would you like to do?"

Kurt talks a long while about this and the stuff he likes about manual labour like the sense of satisfaction. It sounds like being an automotive mechanic would really suit him. He gives some other cool examples too like sculpting and the snake show mention made me laugh quite a bit! As for me, I'm not great at manual skills...

While answering that question, Wolfie takes a double hit coming down from a cliff so Kurt feeds him.

Kurt's first attempt at making a hidey hole at the end of the episode turns out pretty badly. Luckily he only takes a heart of damage but he's pretty jittery on his second attempt! Thankfully, this turns out much better so he can take time to calm down after that ordeal!

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP37


We join Kurt, very pleased with the way his 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air is driving and winning so far. He continues into the next race. I don't know if I've seen him this happy with a car in this game!

It's a very interesting offroad race! There's a pile up and ramping over roads and everything. He doesn't win but is still ahead by a decent amount!

He takes a little break to break a cheese board on a tidy peninsula and check out a barn find. He finds a rusty Jaguar XK120 and has another humorous exchange with the garage girl.

Now it's the last event which wins him the championship! Only 2 more to go!

A Drivatar named Fisher Sup crashes into him straight afterwards, which sets a fire in Kurts soul! He goes on to challenge him to a duel! Very entertaining stuff :)

At the end he takes a picture that becomes the video's thumbnail.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Let's Play NAUT - Indie Astronaut Trip


Random indie game time! You play as a guy in a space suit living in a house on some kind of alien Martian surface. Landscape is wide, flat and reddish. It's presented in some weird letterbox format with white borders taking up the top and bottom quarters of the screen. Graphics are toonish style. Dramatic and uplifting music loops throughout.

Kurt spends most of the episode driving the car. It's a weird thing that flips upside down and on its sides a lot. Eventually he abandons it to climb the mountain in the distance, which has a similar house on top.

An alien lives here and says some random things. Kurt grabs the car here and drives around more. He finds yet another alien's house and car. He switches to this one and drives on again. He continues until the end of the video.

More fun stuff to try out is floating upwards in the air by beeping the horn! Or at least that's what it looks like you do!

Very surreal moment at the end when Kurt reaches the "Far Lands" of the game world and walks off to fall into perpetual nothingness, the music ever looping... It's on par with the likes of Space Odyssey!

Call of Duty 2 E04


We join Kurt for an apartment recovering mission.

There's a lot of shooting at tiny distant targets initially but then it goes back to battling through the streets and taking cover. He dies a few times but manages to pull through.

Far Lands or Bust! #437


Current distance from Kurt: 102 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt and the rotating sand, cobble and dirt blocks for a new episode! Also featuring Wolfie. Recently, it was the 400th anniversary of his recruitment into the Far Lands or Bust! journey.

In space news Kurt talks about the Falcon 9 Dragon capsule which happened successfully.

Kurt answers more questions from Twitter and from donators. About sodas, his beard, about his new place... have a listen!

At one point he also uncovers a spawner and raids it.

Friday 11 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP36


Kurt navigates the menus as best as he can and chooses the 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air for the next championship. Interesting how it casts a shadow with Batman's ears!

He enters in a championship and comes first in the first race. He comes first in the second race too.

He's pretty happy with the way things are going :) he is doing very well with this car alright.

Call of Duty 2 E03


We join Kurt going through some tunnels and shooting from high up in a building. He has to stop the enemy from coming up the stairs or getting blown away by grenades.

After this, he and his squad raid another building and shoot the enemies inside. It takes a couple of tries but they pull it off and complete the mission.

Minecraft BINGO Seed 2405 Timed Challenge


No Bingos this time—it's all about getting as many items as possible within the time limit.

Kurt gathers a few basics and later on discovers neighbouring zombie and skeleton spawners. There's an abundance of them in this version of the game!

Later on he takes high ground and has a look around. He spots a tiny mushroom biome island far off on the horizon. He investigates after jumping off a really steep slope, just making the water.

He spends the last few seconds trying to get a chicken to lay an egg but it doesn't happen, unfortunately. Poor guy!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP35


Kurt decides to switch championships, though it loses progress which is kind of a dumb thing. I was just praising the possibilities of games in the last episode!

He buys a 2015 Jaguar F-Type R Coupé, using real life money. Darn DLC... He soups it up a little too.

He comes fourth in the first race. He comes second in the second race. First in the third race, which is cross country. Doing well now. :)

He soups up his car again before going into the final race. He wins it :) Just 3 more championships to go!

He's happy with his purchase now.

Far Lands or Bust! #436


Current distance from Kurt: 103 episodes. Gaining!

It's so strange to see an actual door in the hidey hole. We join Kurt at the Spires of Atlantis before he leaves on seeing a creeper. Not much chance for final sightseeing!

Another space news update on the Falcon 9 launch, which got delayed again. Comet Lovejoy is viewable as well if you have clear skies and binoculars or something.

Kurt makes his first elevated hidey hole near a zombie spawner and takes care of it in the morning. He takes some iron from the chests.

Then it's on to questions from Twitter!

@Rubot asks "What do you think of Twitter?"

Kurt likes it. It's one of his favourite social networks. As for me I like it too, though they are actively thinking of ways to mess it up. I usually just read tweets.

@PhoenixFan765 asks "What cons do you plan on attending anytime soon?"

He's planning on PAX South and talks more about conventions like Minecon. He'd like to attend a car show or a space show some time. As for me, I've never attended a convention.

He gets ambushed by a skeleton but comes away without a mark.

@Magic_Sky_Lady asks "What did the best burger you've ever eaten contain and where did you get it from?"

Kurt replies with a chain restaurant called Smokey Bones. He also talks about another time in a different place where the burger had nice cheddar but then on a subsequent visit he got really bad food poisoning.

@Kranis asks "What would your spirit animal be?"

Kurt says it's a turtle of some kind. I wouldn't know what mine would be...

He takes a screenshot of another cool land formation, a cliff with a chunk taken out of it.

@MrJohnZ asks "What time do you usually wake up?"

Later than he intends to but still early. He talks a bit about it. As for me, it depends on the day.

@ZPucky asks "Why does the compass mark south when you go west?"

Kurt explains it all.

@AppleOfClowns asks "Will you ever play long RPGs on your channel?"

It's not really Kurt's genre. He talks more about it. As for me, I like RPGs but I am aware of how tedious they can be.

@tctomy21 asks "When will the livestreams come back?"

Kurt says they'll come back soon.

He builds his hidey hole near some ice and Wolfie slides as he sits him down. He goes to sleep with a dirt block item spinning in his face!

Call of Duty 2 E02


Grenades galore in this episode. Lots of ruined buildings here and bits of rubble and fallen walls to take cover behind.

There are some objectives here where you have to reconnect parts of a cable or interact with a radio or collect key items or plant explosives on tanks. These areas are marked with a shiny golden light until you interact with them. That's kind of nice that this game doesn't forget that it's a game.

It's fun seeing Kurt outwit the tanks in this episode :)

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Minecraft BINGO Seed 2402, 2403


We join Kurt for some Minecraft Bingo! Been a while since the last one. He starts with the 2402 seed.

He's distracted with the discovery of a spawner almost immediately. The discovery of another spawner and the fact that he's sitting on top of a cave entrance's canopy gets him all flustered during basic preparations!

He does well for another while as he rushes around. Different kind of watching experience I haven't enjoyed in a long time! He says to baby zombie "I hate you and the tiny horse you rode in on!". Gas man! :)

On his planned bingo line he has to find a cow but there's none as far as he can look.

All of a sudden, the game crashes! He can't do 2402 as a blind challenge now! Gah! Love the error screen he puts up though!

So it's on to 2403!

There's less flusteredness this time. Kurt's fairly well organised above the surface and then finds a ravine below that has lots of resources. He nearly dies on exiting though when he tries to pillar out and gets shot off of it. He pulls through and gets to the surface. Shortly afterwards he desperately searches for a red mushroom. He rejoices on finding a cow but that was only needed in the last seed! He finally finds the mushroom and clears out the rest of the middle horizontal line.

He's kind of beating down on himself but he's just rusty from not having played this mode in so long. He'll be making the good speed records again soon :)

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP34


We join Kurt for a rainy day race against a cargo plane in a Jaguar XKR-S '12. The possibilities of video games! He wins this one.

On the road trip to the next area, Kurt talks about the Xbox One's power brick and how humongous it is. He should see the Wii U! It doesn't have one as big but there are two of them, one for the console and one on the charger for the Game Pad.

He talks about his recent watching of the movie Ronin and its car chases.

When he arrives he decides to soup up his newly purchased 1988 BMW M5 before going on to do a race with it. He doesn't do very well but we'll see how he bounces back in the next episode.

Far Lands or Bust! #435


Current distance from Kurt: 104 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he spots a stalagmite/stalactite combo. In other words, a column!

Other cool formations are here too and he takes a picture. A pig joins in on the screenshot and is used for food later.

Kurt talks more about the exciting space launch from last episode, which was postponed. He wishes them luck and Wolfie gives a bark for good luck too!

Donator question time!

Donator Devon asks "All throughout space travel history, what was your favourite launch vehicle?"

Kurt has an affinity for the space shuttle. I'm not sure what my favourite would be, but that is the one that immediately comes to mind when you think of space travel.

Kurt comes across a really cool land formation and tries to come up with names for it. He decides on Floating Floats of Floaterdom. Makes me think of the float rocks from Mystic Quest/Final Fantasy Adventure for the Game Boy. They don't look as amazing as this place does but they did in my imagination! He gives the area a different name.

Some more cool formations ahead all around so Kurt decides to do some 360 degree panoramic photography. He builds his second elevated hidey hole in this exact spot too. He also puts a sign on the pillar of this hidey hole that reads "The Spires of Atlantisness Ep. 435".

Donator Foxxxxxy24(not sure how many xs) asks "If you could choose any one space mission to go back in time and be part of, which one would you choose? Apollo 11, 13, The Gemini?"

Kurt straight away says "not Apollo 13!" and has a good think about the rest of the question and talks a lot about it. Worth listening in.

Kurt comes across a large cliff face with a straight solid wall, which looks pretty cool and between all the exploring, he loops back to the second elevated hidey hole! Soon afterwards he comes across something that looks like someone just started a hidey hole already. He even makes an actual door for it.

I hope that white figure that passes the door outside was the chicken clucking instead of a skeleton!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

HAPPY VLOG YEAR 2015! - KurtIndeed


First post about KurtIndeed! I actually watched this a few months ago myself and it was the first time I saw Kurt with his impressive beard. This however, is my first time coming across it in my blogging chronology, so here we go!

Kurt's done vlogs before but this one is a nice way to kick off the new channel, a gentle introduction. Between then and now, he's done four other ones. I've watched the Dog Vlog and July Things but not the Let's Drive ones yet. I'm itching to though! Judging from the thumbnails, they seem to have nicer graphics than Forza! :) I think I'll hold off until I come across their corresponding dates in my regular viewings, which may take some time but they'll be nice little bonuses to look forward to!

Call of Duty 2 E01


First post about Call of Duty 2! Kurt got a good response to the original so here is playing the second one!

He starts in the training mode. This means he's doing the tutorial while some guy is yelling instructions at him. Potatoes are used instead of grenades for practice. After training, he keeps throwing potatoes at people for fun. "They'll never expect a potato!" he yells as he throws one during a real enemy attack.

There are some weird controls, like pressing 4 for throwing smoke grenades. He completes the mission later by planting explosives.

In the next mission, Kurt jokes how the screen shaking brought by the tanks driving by must mean that he's getting closer to the Far Lands!

Afterwards it's all about conquering and destroying a building. Kurt skillfully uses cover as he advances and shoots his way out of being surrounded. Then he has to set the bombs and run away.

At the end of the video, he decides he should be a demolitions expert after the war!

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP33


We join Kurt for more street racing. On each lap of this race, Kurt meets the same knocked tree tumbling around the place. He goes on to come fifth.

He has a look at the perks and they all seem to be based around multi-player and DLC.

In the next race, Kurt does much better and comes in first. :)

The final race is far away and the way there is through the countryside. It's a cross country event, which Kurt dreads in this car. Many flashbacks happen but they're needed! He ranks in second so he repeats it off camera until he comes in first and wins this championship.

Far Lands or Bust! #434


Current distance from Kurt: 104 episodes. Gaining!

Many happy returns Kurt! This is the first Far Lands or Bust! of 2015! That's THIS year! Whooaaaaaaaaa!! It's been a long time since I watched episodes from the current year and I'm going to take this opportunity to enjoy (or enyoy) it while it lasts! May the gap grow ever narrower!

We join Kurt as he waits for a skeleton to burn away outside. He emerges safely and puts up a sign under the firework display that says "Episode 434 First Episode of 2015!" and discovers that when you jump and place a sign, you remain suspended in the air until you finish writing on it.

Some space news about an event that'll take place really early in the morning. The SpaceX Falcon 9 is going to the International Space Station to resupply it and then try to come back without wasting what they'd usually waste.

Kurt talks about his popular videos from last year, SpeedRunners with MindCrack, Formula1 with VintageBeef and SpinTires. I do like rooting for Kurt in SpeedRunners and SpinTires is a nice cosy adventure. Haven't blogged abut Formula1 with VintageBeef yet.

He also talks about his KurtIndeed vlog on YouTube! I must cover that one soon!

One amazing moment with Wolfie here - Kurt spots a little almost Tetris block shaped trench and Wolfie navigates around the edge of it perfectly. "Who are you and what have you done with Wolfie?!" he asks.

Walking through a desert, he doesn't say this but there's an amazing looking natural structure that has a diving board like formation jutting out of it. He does look at it a few times though.

Now for donator questions!

Donator Cold asks "How did the fade turn out on your pair of tailored stitches?"

Kurt talks about pants and jeans for a while. As for me I like regular pants. I never really liked jeans.

Donator BCS300Z asks "I've always been intrigued and curious about the Dr Who franchise. Where would you recommend one start?"

Kurt replies that he's not an expert as he's only watched some series. He talks more about this.

Someone from Twitter asks "What made you interested in pin-striping when you were younger? Would you still do it now as a hobby?"

Kurt says he doesn't do it now but he liked it from an artistic point of view.

Kurt outlines some goals for 2015 and then makes his hidey hole with a cobblestone top as a door frame.

Monday 7 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP32


Kurt enters the next race, a trail race. It's quite narrow on this track in places. Unfortunately, Kurt comes 2nd in the rankings

The rewinds look pretty funny sometimes :) when you freeze frame, it kind of looks like a scene from The Dukes of Hazzard!

At some point along the road trip, Kurt crashes over the rail and into the rough. At least we know it's not an invisible wall that reaches up into the sky!

After a while he changes into a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS-454 and does a street race. It kind of looks like the car from Driver San Francisco. Kurt comes second in this one. Kind of tough manoeuvring around those streets after being out in the countryside I'd imagine.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP31


Kurt finishes the race again and comes in fifth. At least he wins a Mazda MX-5 in a wheelspin.

He heads back to the garage to work on it and get it ready for the next race. Things still aren't quite working out so well so Kurt turns the flashbacks back on.

He does somewhat better but still has to get used to things. He goes through a golf course as part of it so it's kinda fun :)

He eventually makes it to first place! Back into the swing of things :)

Sunday 6 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP30


We join Kurt confused as to some aspect of fast travel he was advertised. I'm just as confused!

He starts another championship in an off-road vehicle, a 2014 Local Motors Rally Fighter. Saint-Martin is where it takes place. The first event is a Ridge Sprint.

Some nutty stuff happens here which makes Kurt go back to a checkpoint. I remember liking a previous off-road event he did so this might be fun too.

Far Lands or Bust! #433


Current distance from Kurt: 105 episodes. No change!

Last Far Lands or Bust of 2014! After this, Kurt will be producing and I will be watching episodes made in the same year for a while! Albeit at different ends but it's the same year! I'm catching up :)

Kurt reflects on the year of Far Lands or Bust! and some of his goals going forward. He also talks about cool space stuff to look forward to in 2015.

Kurt excavates a skeleton spawner from sand and takes gunpowder from its double chest for some new year fireworks later. He also decides to completely replace his armour, leave the old battered gear behind in the chest and put up a sign that says "New Year, New Armor! Ep. 433 Dec. 31, 2014". He builds the second elevated hidey hole nearby.

The fireworks went out beautifully! Well worth watching too! This whole episode is. Kurt then digs out his final hidey hole for 2014.

Man, hearing about Kurt's 2015 hopes and dreams here and now seeing what he achieved... he's had a pretty good year! Very busy year too. A lot of stuff going on for him. Hope it continues! :)

I shall have to do some reflecting of my own when this year fades out and think about my 2016. In any case, I hope I can continue to catch up.

Let's Play The Bends - Listen with your eyes!


We join Kurt for another exploratory indie first person view game :)

He walks around for a bit and the black monolith like objects sticking out of the ground start playing different musical instruments when he interacts with them. It looks pretty nice! The ground looks like it has a bluish fog and the light reddish colour of the walls help to add to that effect.

Kurt continues walking around and giving commentary. It's worth using headphones to listen in! He turns them all on and turns them all off too so it's just the ambient waterfall and birds chirping. Then he turns them all on again to make the most of the experience.

No combat or puzzles to do in this game, just explore, activate and listen!

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP29


We join Kurt in his snazzy green car on his way to the next race. He wins this one and once again is shown the advert for the DLC which makes up the loading screen now.

He's doing so well he goes on to win the championship. Just 5 more to go.

Afterwards he goes on a barn find. It takes a while so he cuts away to the rainy night. Looks like it took ages! He finds a Ferrari inside.

Later on he starts a mission North by Northwest. He has to race a plane. It's an interesting spin on the usual thing I suppose!

Saturday 5 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #432


Current distance from Kurt: 105 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt emerges from his cleverly built sand hidey hole. He made a 3x3 dirt block roof since sand doesn't stay floating in mid air.

It's now post-Christmas in Far Lands or Bust land in 2014 while here I am a year later waiting and preparing for it in 2015!

He sails across the water and spots an island that has a creeper, pigs and cows jumping around on it. He calls it "That Island". It's a happenin' place!

Kurt talks about his Christmas a little bit. I remember mine having a good time with family, having dinner together and going out for a walk afterwards. It was very quiet outside that afternoon! Watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the very first time on T.V. so that was nice too. Not sure where I was in watching Far Lands or Bust! episodes!

After a brief space news update, Kurt goes into donator questions!

Donator StarMan asks "Are you a fan of amusement parks and if so, what's your favourite flat ride or roller coaster?"

Kurt talks about an experience he had on one and isn't big into them. I'm not either though the bumper cars were always reliably fun.

Donator Greydon asks "What are your thoughts on UHC Season 19?"

Kurt talks about his own experience. I really enjoyed it! Especially when he and VintageBeef were trying to find each other. They were all like "Marco!" and "Polo!". Great fun! It was an interesting spin on the regular formula.

Kurt's also asked about peated whiskey and talks about it for a while. Wouldn't be into it myself since I don't drink. Never even heard of anything to eat or drink being peated before.

Donator Ryan gave a little limerick with his donation! How nice! Check it out in the video :)

An anonymous Patron asks "If you could change your first name so that it could no longer be Kurt, what would you change it to?"

He wouldn't but he talks about it for a bit. He's right, I can't really think of him being anything but Kurt! I wouldn't change my first name either.

Patron Alzeroth asks "If you had the resources i.e. money, time, people etc to develop any one project that you could dream of, what would you choose it to be and why? Spaceship to travel to Mars? Your own space agency? A charity? High quality simulation racing game? etc. etc."

He discusses some stuff like space travel and custom cars. I'm not sure what I would do... make a living from something perhaps?

Patron Kathy asks "If you could create one epic meal, what would it consist of and who would be your guests, if any?"

While answering this question he almost made Wolfie target practice!

Kurt talks about meals with lots of participants and how he's not really into that. I think they can be ok but only if you're lucky enough for it not to be annoying and not be wanting for anything.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP28


We join Kurt as he decides on a new championship to pursue. He starts one with a green coloured Subaru BRZ. He has an unlucky break in the first race just before the finish line! You can almost hear Muttley snickering! Poor guy! He soldiers on though!

He makes up for it by the end though and is at the top in the rankings :)

Far Lands or Bust! #431


Current distance from Kurt: 106 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt is awakened by a burning zombie outside. He then remembers a submerged spawner so he has a look. Just when he decides to show a bit of Christmas mercy, he knocks a sand block which topples into the dungeon and instead unwittingly causes a Christmas zombie massacre! Oops!

Kurt talks about his cinema going experience of watching The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I watched it too last year in 2D and yeah I think it's kind of weird that it wasn't in the high frame rate. It was a good enough time but as with the other Lord of the Rings movies, I'm happy just watching it once!

On the second day, Kurt goes into donator questions!

Donator TestForEcho asks "In your early FLoB episodes, you expressed a few times that you would like to go back to college for learning another career. If your YouTube career didn't pan out, would you have gone ahead and went back to college for geology or would it have been something else?"

I remember this! I remember being worried about my future too at the time so having Kurt considering options like this was a nice thing to have. Felt like a shared experience. Kurt reflects on those times. I'm still worried about my future.

Walking along the ice there are holes. Kurt keeps an eye on Wolfie in case he gets trapped under the ice but then he falls in and is at a risk of that himself!

Donator Jack asks "What's the most impressive physical feat you have ever accomplished?"

Kurt doesn't have such a story but he says something about gym memberships that I never knew before. Yikes! I can't think of anything either besides walking or hiking long distances.

Donator Mark asks "What was your favourite toy or plushie as a child?"

While answering this question, we hear something like an arrow shot. Only see a creeper in a nearby cave though, no skeletons. Hmm...

Kurt mentions a few nice sounding toys. I had to look up what a tee ball was! It's hard for me to decide which toy was my favourite... Can't think of one right now! I generally loved the video games I got for Christmas.

Friday 4 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP27


We join Kurt as he takes some photos and goes into another race. He almost wins but remains on top in the rankings.

Pretty narrow road here and Kurt has to do his fair share of pushing through the line of cars in his way.

Kurt then  wins the championship! It was looking close for a while but he managed to win.

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP26


We join Kurt as he continues his mission to acquire a Bugatti. It's Bugatti or Bust!

On the road trip he takes, he goes through a long tunnel. At the end of the trip he has two wheelspins and two barn find announcements.

Kurt goes shopping and finally buys his Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 2011! He takes it out for a very fun spin on the road! Have a look!

Reaching his destination he goes to the garage to tinker around with it. Afterwards he heads to the next event, a sprint race in the rain.

Far Lands or Bust! #430


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. No change!

Kurt is awakened by footsteps. Thankfully it belongs to the pig we met last night.

Being the 22nd of December 2014, Kurt mentions how it's getting late for Christmas shopping! Luckily, I still have some time since it's earlier in the month :) I haven't started yet!

After telling us not to miss Wednesday's SpeedRunners episode(have I seen it already? If it was the MCGamer glitch then yeah that was a great one :) ) Kurt goes into donator questions.

Donator Patrick from Germany asks "Do you or did you ever root for a baseball team?"

Kurt talks about White Sox. I never have, not even GAA rounders.

Patron Anna asks "I love card games like rummi, poker, crazy eights. Are you a card player and if so, what is your game of choice?"

He isn't really but he talks about card games he played like UNO. I'm not much of a card player myself but I used to play switch with my family a lot, which is similar to UNO. Kurt mentions Mille Bornes. I used to play a version of that called 1,000 Miles on my old System 6 Macintosh all the time :) I'd love to play it again! I never knew the version Kurt mentioned existed!

*Takes a break to play 1,000 Miles*

Ah, that was a nice trip down memory lane :)

He adds that he's not much into the casino card games. I'm not either. He talks more about family board game memories.

Donator Anthony asks "What is your gamer fuel of choice?"

Kurt sticks to coffee. He's not into the energy drinks and I'm not either. If I had to choose one though it would be Irn-Bru, though I don't know if that's necessarily an energy drink.

Donator AB Animation asks "Do you watch any stand up comedy and are there any comedians that you particularly like?"

Kurt mentions some comedians he's seen live. As for me I like our own Tommy Tiernan and Brendan Grace! Tommy Cooper and Jack Dee are great too. There are others I can't think of right now.

Donator PoisonWing asks "What is your favourite method of transportation?"

It depends on distance but he likes driving a car the most. As for me, Trains are nice but bus is fine too.

"What was your experience like when first learning to drive?"

He was good at it and learned it in school. I haven't learned.

"What are your three top favourite cars?"

Kurt mentions some cars he likes. I'm not that pushed about cars myself.

"If money was no issue what type of car would you get?"

Kurt mentions a type but he talks about other factors too.

He's asked about what colour he'd like in a car. A decent quality silver one he likes. I like colours that aren't ridiculous.

Donator Steven(sp?) asks "When feeling down and out, is there something that can instantly pick you back up and make you feel better?"

"Recording videos!" like he answered a different time and talks more about it. As for me, I think blogging will get me through sad and bluesy times. :)

"Have a Wolfie seat!" Kurt humorously says before sitting Wolfie down for the night. The card game question was my favourite part of this episode :)

Thursday 3 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP25


Kurt pursues his long term goal of buying the Bugatti car by doing missions in his 1980 Renault 5 Turbo. He takes on a championship in Nice.

After the first race he wheelspins for money(for once) but gets a car instead! After all those spins not hoping for a money prize!

He continues racing. He says he will have that Bugatti in the next episode! Best of luck Kurt!

Let's Play The Crew with Sevadus - Livestream Highlights


This isn't a series, it's a one off MindCrack livestream thingy.

Kurt and Sevadus have a nice time driving around doing missions. The start of one of them Sevadus is delayed so Kurt drives doughnuts around him :)

A neat moment unique to this game where an airplane roars overhead at one point.

This seems to be a nice co-op game with chase missions. They drive through cornfields and a woodland area too.

Far Lands or Bust! #429


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. No change!

Kurt begins by sailing through shallow waters. Then it's time for Minecraft News! This update is all about Notch's purchase of a house in Beverly Hills. Kurt then jokes that it's all related to his own recent move and that he is now Notch's homesitter!

Man, if that were the case though... Let's daydream for a bit: I would totally watch some kind of Far Lands or Bust! feature like FLoBathon streamed from Notch's house. Notch could be a co-host, a co-pilot taking a turn in the hotseat, they could compare beards, there could be a Notch-cam... Just kidding :P

Kurt gives us a little real estate spec of his first elevated hidey hole before continuing on :)

He gives us some space news as well about a delay in a recent launch heading for the International Space Station.

Afterwards he talks about his recent video rendering woes and then goes into donator questions!

Donator PhilFreeze asks "What was your favourite school subject?"

Kurt talks about various subjects of which he had varying degrees of fondness. As for me, I liked English and Maths the most.

Patron Gwen(something(sorry!)) asks "Has anything ever made you laugh so hard you couldn't stop and what was it?"

Kurt says yes and talks about recent episodes of SpeedRunners like poor MC's glitch from the last one and the time he called someone a suckerface. They were good episodes and I'm glad I watched them! :)

He also mentions blooper reels on DVDs and a recent Louis CK comedy special he watched. There are many other times :)

I've had those bouts of laughter too :) good times indeed! Never watched Louis CK before though.

Donator YaWeasel asks "How far back does your gaming experience go? I haven't seen you play anything older than PlayStation games, even for nostalgia purposes. Were you a gameless child?"

He wasn't. He talks about playing games on Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System and then to PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 and then towards PC. I've heard his history before but I like hearing about it.

My gaming history goes back to the Atari 2600 as well and mostly includes Nintendo consoles and handhelds from there. I did have other stuff too like PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Macintosh(System 6) so I have a long gaming history myself. I'm not too big into PC gaming though.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #35


I guess Millbee is a moose after all! Kurt, MC and Coestar stick with their usual avatars though.

First is Super SpeedRunners at the Theme Park stage. Kurt wins this one :)

Second is more Super SpeedRunners at the Nightclub stage. Millbee the Moose wins this.

Third is yet more Super SpeedRunners at the Warehouse stage. Some crazy glitch happens that throws MC out of the stage completely and Kurt wins. It's so unbelievable they all burst out laughing and continue doing so until tears come out their eyes!

Fourth is... ok it's the Super SpeedRunners episode! Factory stage. It comes down to the wire with 2 points each! Who wins? Moosebee. Moosebee wins :P

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #34


Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Coestar coming to us once more!

First stage is the Powerplant reversed. Millbee has a different avatar, it's a deer with antlers. He wins the first one.

Second is SpeedHookers at the Library stage. Kurt doesn't get to do his new library catch phrase duty. Millbee wins this one too.

Third is Super Speedrunners at the Factory stage. Kurt wins this one! YES! Haha! It was an exciting conclusion too! "Catch!" he says as he fires a rocket at the others. :)

Can't let Millbee win everything with that deer/moose thing he chose!

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP24


We join Kurt for a rainy day race in his Ferrari, which he says drives like a pencil! Funny expression! It's just that it doesn't want to turn! He wins this race and gets 20 points. However he gets paid less for some very weird reason. Is this where he got the title of the video?

It continues raining as he makes his way to the next area for a trail race. The weather improves too. Unfortunately he misses a checkpoint and automatically comes in last.

He challenges a really powerful car and loses badly enough to it. At least he can drive through the vineyard to break another cheeseboard. "Nobody's having wine tonight!" he says as he tramples the crops! :)

We don't know what the next event is because the sun was shining in our faces behind the words. Kurt says so too. Ahh, modern graphic design!

Anyway it's something to do with racing hot air balloons, though you're in a car. He comes in second.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP23


Kurt chooses the next championship and makes his way to Montellino in his Ferrari. Before playing this session, he had to wait for the game to download a bunch of updates.

In the vine valley scramble he doesn't do that well but still wins a decent cash prize. Afterwards he goes to the garage.

Back in a race, he misses a checkpoint and is sent back to it! How come that doesn't happen to the other racers when they miss a checkpoint? He has every right to complain!

After doing ok in this race, the loading screen shows an advert for the DLC. Bleh.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #33


Back with Kurt, MCGamer, Millbee and Coestar!

First is Super SpeedRunners in the Warehouse stage. MCGamer wins the first one.

Second is SS Royale reversed. Coe wins this one.

Not much Kurt winning... Maybe next time!

Far Lands or Bust! #428


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he carefully escapes the cacti infested desert with Wolfie and sails away to the Far Lands!

He gives us some space news about the first barge landing ever. I wonder how it went? The Mars Curiosity Rover discovers a spike in methane and gets people excited.

On the second day, donator question time!

Donator EMC73 asks "Do you have any collections or have you ever started any collections?"

Kurt used to collect LEGO and model cars and planes too. He talks more about them. As for me I collect video games and cinema tickets :)

He builds the first elevated hidey hole near a submerged spawner and drains it out. He crafts a new shovel and a new helmet while he's down there too. Not much in spoils apart from bread.

Patron Matthias asks "What games are you looking forward to in 2015?"

Kurt talks about Gravity Ghost and Sub Rosa as games he's interested in. As for me, 2015 is nearly over but I'm looking forward to Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros! I'm a big fan of that series and I bet it's gonna be great! Just as great as the previous four entries too!

Another question from him "What are your goals for Far Lands and your channel in 2015?"

Kurt says he wants to get better at trying out a bunch of different games. He talks a good bit about this. My goal is to catch up as much as possible with his videos!

Kurt digs a hidey hole out of the ground and sleeps with a bunch of cobblestone underneath his bed.

Monday 30 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #32


We join Kurt, Coestar, MCGamer and Millbee once again!

First is SpeedHookers at the Silo stage. They make many jokes about sponsorship pitches. Weird glitch moment too where MC skips the loop and gets ahead. Coe wins this one.

Second is SpeedHookers at the Nightclub stage. Millbee wins this one. Lots of funny dialogue from him and MC too! What's the crocodile wrestling thing all about? Some kind of reference?

Third is vanilla at the Library stage. Kurt announces the library is open. I like the idea of him being a door announcer :) Some weird glitchiness happens with hooks. It comes down to the wire with everyone having 2/3 points each! Who wins? Watch to find out!

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP22


Kurt survives a murder attempt by a guy driving on the wrong side of the road.

He jumps to the next event, a street race at sunset. He wins this and goes on to the next event where it's sunnier. After this he wins the championship! He also wins big in the subsequent wheelspin!

Far Lands or Bust! #427


Current distance from Kurt: 108 episodes. Gaining!

Wolfie begins the episode by attempting to use a diving board naturally made from soil instead of using a safe route and misses the little pool underneath. Kurt feeds him the last of his food. Luckily, he finds more pigs soon afterwards.

For the first day, Kurt talks about how weird he feels when he misses updating with more videos and how much better he feels when he records again. I know how he feels when it comes to missing stuff as routine and I've come to know how it feels missing to update my blog! It also feels good to go writing and updating again though!

On the second day it's time for more donator questions!

Patron AxlRosie asks "Did you put any more thought into the puppy project?"

Kurt talks about the project up until this point and gives an update too.

Donator Liz asks if Kurt's been keeping up with the latest Dr. Who. He says he hasn't.

Donator HerrBucket asks "Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?". He never tried to. I haven't either.

Donator Joe asks "How do you feel about Pluto being demoted as a dwarf planet?". He thinks it was the right decision and talks more about it.

A Patron asks "Are you planning on watching any livestream?" He says he might watch something about the Pluto flyby and talks more about it.

Donator Hermani(sp?) asks "What is the longest time you've gone without sleep and what was the reason for it? How does sleep deprivation affect you in general?"

He says he's pulled all-nighters doing art projects and astronomy meets and talks about the Minecon Paris trip too where he didn't sleep on the plane. I agree with him in saying they're no fun. I've done a few of them myself and they're no fun at all.

Donator Ethnicolour(sp?) asks "All of electric cars would you sacrifice speed, range, performance and pay more out of pocket to take home an electric car versus internal combustion engine?"

Kurt says he'd consider an electric car when they become more affordable and talks more about it and Tesla cars.

Donator EMC73 asks "Have you ever done or thought about doing extreme sports?"

He says the closest he's done is ziplining but maybe he could do white water rafting or river kayaking. As for me, I haven't and wouldn't!

Towards the end of the episode, Kurt spots a neat looking lava waterfall and builds his hidey hole nearby. There's a spooky skeleton outside but he sleeps soundly :)

He felt he had a bit of a scratchy voice issue this episode, but he managed well I thought!