Tuesday 8 December 2015

Call of Duty 2 E01

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zICGKeIW7lQ

First post about Call of Duty 2! Kurt got a good response to the original so here is playing the second one!

He starts in the training mode. This means he's doing the tutorial while some guy is yelling instructions at him. Potatoes are used instead of grenades for practice. After training, he keeps throwing potatoes at people for fun. "They'll never expect a potato!" he yells as he throws one during a real enemy attack.

There are some weird controls, like pressing 4 for throwing smoke grenades. He completes the mission later by planting explosives.

In the next mission, Kurt jokes how the screen shaking brought by the tanks driving by must mean that he's getting closer to the Far Lands!

Afterwards it's all about conquering and destroying a building. Kurt skillfully uses cover as he advances and shoots his way out of being surrounded. Then he has to set the bombs and run away.

At the end of the video, he decides he should be a demolitions expert after the war!

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