Thursday 17 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #441


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he's greeted this morning by a creeper. He has a battle on the ice with it and defeats it. He then grabs Wolfie and on we go once again to the Far Lands!

He gives us some space news all about the new photographs of Ceres. There's other stuff too so have a listen!

On the second day, Kurt spies a bathing skeleton and defeats it with arrows.

As he walks and sails along, he talks more about his upcoming appearance at PAX South with the other MindCrack members.

Now for donor questions!

Donor DarkGlasses asks "Are there any other MindCrackers' builds you particularly admire?"

He talks about BDoubleO's arena and VintageBeef's island community as well as other members' projects for a while.

As for me, I really liked the meteor prank the others made outside Kurt's observatory! It looked amazing and it had nice presents inside!

On the third day, Kurt frees some cows from being trapped in a water hole. How kind! :)

Another question: "Have you been enjoying Zisteau's single player adventure in alpha beta Minecraft?"

Kurt hasn't seen it yet. He talks more about the terrain generation in the earlier versions of the game and how Zisteau is taking an interest in how things used to look too.

Kurt takes a few screenshots and spots a really interesting cliff land formation with trees growing out of it.

I haven't watched that series either. I bet it's really interesting though, to see what is now lost to updates.

There's one moment where Kurt is sailing and he takes a notion to be silent for a while. Interesting moment, but I'm glad he starts speaking again! He then talks about the earlier wolves he had before Wolfie. He talks about more Wolfie moments before setting up his final hidey hole for the episode. He makes it a nice hidey hole and thanks the Far Landers for remembering Speedy the Box Turtle's anniversary. Far Landers are the best fans ever :)

This is the last episode before Kurt goes to the convention, so it looks like my distance from Current Kurt will grow back into triple digits for another while! Oh well!

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