Saturday 12 December 2015

Let's Play NAUT - Indie Astronaut Trip


Random indie game time! You play as a guy in a space suit living in a house on some kind of alien Martian surface. Landscape is wide, flat and reddish. It's presented in some weird letterbox format with white borders taking up the top and bottom quarters of the screen. Graphics are toonish style. Dramatic and uplifting music loops throughout.

Kurt spends most of the episode driving the car. It's a weird thing that flips upside down and on its sides a lot. Eventually he abandons it to climb the mountain in the distance, which has a similar house on top.

An alien lives here and says some random things. Kurt grabs the car here and drives around more. He finds yet another alien's house and car. He switches to this one and drives on again. He continues until the end of the video.

More fun stuff to try out is floating upwards in the air by beeping the horn! Or at least that's what it looks like you do!

Very surreal moment at the end when Kurt reaches the "Far Lands" of the game world and walks off to fall into perpetual nothingness, the music ever looping... It's on par with the likes of Space Odyssey!

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