Thursday 3 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #429


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. No change!

Kurt begins by sailing through shallow waters. Then it's time for Minecraft News! This update is all about Notch's purchase of a house in Beverly Hills. Kurt then jokes that it's all related to his own recent move and that he is now Notch's homesitter!

Man, if that were the case though... Let's daydream for a bit: I would totally watch some kind of Far Lands or Bust! feature like FLoBathon streamed from Notch's house. Notch could be a co-host, a co-pilot taking a turn in the hotseat, they could compare beards, there could be a Notch-cam... Just kidding :P

Kurt gives us a little real estate spec of his first elevated hidey hole before continuing on :)

He gives us some space news as well about a delay in a recent launch heading for the International Space Station.

Afterwards he talks about his recent video rendering woes and then goes into donator questions!

Donator PhilFreeze asks "What was your favourite school subject?"

Kurt talks about various subjects of which he had varying degrees of fondness. As for me, I liked English and Maths the most.

Patron Gwen(something(sorry!)) asks "Has anything ever made you laugh so hard you couldn't stop and what was it?"

Kurt says yes and talks about recent episodes of SpeedRunners like poor MC's glitch from the last one and the time he called someone a suckerface. They were good episodes and I'm glad I watched them! :)

He also mentions blooper reels on DVDs and a recent Louis CK comedy special he watched. There are many other times :)

I've had those bouts of laughter too :) good times indeed! Never watched Louis CK before though.

Donator YaWeasel asks "How far back does your gaming experience go? I haven't seen you play anything older than PlayStation games, even for nostalgia purposes. Were you a gameless child?"

He wasn't. He talks about playing games on Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System and then to PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 and then towards PC. I've heard his history before but I like hearing about it.

My gaming history goes back to the Atari 2600 as well and mostly includes Nintendo consoles and handhelds from there. I did have other stuff too like PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Macintosh(System 6) so I have a long gaming history myself. I'm not too big into PC gaming though.

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