Thursday 24 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #444


Current distance from Kurt: 99 episodes. No change for the fifth time! Quite the combo!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as they get another creeper morning visitor. Kurt decides to take it out as it seems quite keen to come into the hidey hole.

It's Minecraft News time! Da da da daaa! Minecon 2015 date was announced for July in London. It's already happened, so I wonder how it went?

Some space news too. There was a State of NASA address where they talked about missions to Jupiter's Europa.

On the second day, Kurt shares a story about plumbing issues in his new place. Sounds like a scary thing! Also, I don't remember that he has to wear contact lenses... how little I know. Oh well.

He finds a submerged spider spawner but doesn't bother with it. Too deep in the water.

Now for donor questions!

"Have you ever considered attending some sort of road racing rally events and doing some footage or impressions of that for your vlog channel?"

Sounds like he'd like to.

Donor David asks "If the Minecraft world existed in reality and you yourself were the one making the journey, do you think you'd make it?"

He weighs up many factors influencing such a situation. He says someone may think of it before him.

Donor Alex asks "Have you read The Martian by Andy Weir?"

He hasn't and says he doesn't really read much. I like reading but I haven't read that one.

Donor Devon asks "If you could choose between becoming an instant millionaire or bringing someone back from the dead, what would you choose?"

He would choose being a millionaire. I would too.

As he finishes up for the day, he talks about how he'd like to go to Minecon London.

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