Tuesday 29 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #447

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjSd9PQVkME

Current distance from Kurt: 97 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he's greeted by the bark of Wolfie and the... noise that a spider makes. Away they go! East!

Doesn't feel any less weird! He got a bit of a jump in donations though!

Big jump in questions too! Like I announced last episode, I'm going to make the donor names bigger!

Donor Bryan and other donors give sentiments of support.

Very Generous Donor Quietust asks "If it were possible for you to instantly visit any place in the solar system and study it up close, where would it be? Caverns beneath the surface of Mars? Oceans beneath the surface of Europa? Deep within the atmosphere of one of the gas giants? And even crazier, a more mysterious place?"

Kurt says Europa is high up on that list. He discusses it for a while and gives other examples.

He sees lava flowing down a hill and generating cobblestone with the neighbouring river.

Donor Anonymous asks "I was wondering if you expected the "East Uproar" to be so large. Was that a calculated risk or did you expect full support from your community?"

Kurt says he ran it by some MindCrackers at PAX and discusses other stuff, but feedback seems to be generally positive.

Donor Big Dave says he should've named the house he built "West Point". Kurt thinks it's a great idea. I guess it's a good idea... Is it a pop culture reference?

Very Generous Donor ShreadsWithWheat asks "If you could fill your garage with any five cars, what would they be?"

Kurt answers they would be very skinny cars as the garage isn't that big! Seriously though, he discusses some car options for a while.

"Do you plan your meals in advance when you are shopping, or do you just cook whatever you have on hand at the time?"

Kurt talks about his regular meals for a while. I'm a bit surprised he doesn't like salt and vinegar crisps! Plain crisps are still pretty good though. He keeps things simple!

Donor Adam wanted to give a shout out to Christine. They're getting married! Congratulations :) He also asks "Since you're a man of taste, what are your go to shoes?"

Kurt shares his shoe collection.

He then builds his last hidey hole for the day.

Well! The scheme seems to be working!

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