Sunday 27 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #446


Current distance from Kurt: 98 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt resisting the urge to pee while waiting for Wolfie to bark. Water runs in the background.

The whole first day is spent teasing us about what the big charity stunt is going to be. He builds the first elevated hidey hole on a cool looking arch above the water. When he goes to sleep though, he gets a rude awakening from a skeleton! He promises this isn't part of the plan!

Kurt reveals the plan and omg... it's something else. He's going to walk BACKWARDS until he can raise enough money to start FloBathon. That sounds pretty serious! It's quite devious too!

He builds a little house and puts up a sign that says "EAST OR BUST! 2/6/2015 Episode 446 For Charity!!"

So in the morning, off he goes! Backwards! He takes Wolfie as well. One last screenshot of the house and back he goes!

"So! How's it going?" he says, asking if it feels weird. Yes Kurt, it feels very weird.

After this he goes into donor questions. Hooo... it really is all about the donors isn't it! They're the only ones who can turn this thing around! They're more important than ever now! I'm going to empower them with bigger text until this whole thing changes!

Donor Dan asks if there's anything Kurt misses about Chicagoland yet.

Kurt mentions family and familiarity. He also mentions how it's culturally a bit different.

Even though Kurt is going backwards, he builds an all new hidey hole. Good grief, this is going to be so weird :O

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