Wednesday 9 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #435


Current distance from Kurt: 104 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he spots a stalagmite/stalactite combo. In other words, a column!

Other cool formations are here too and he takes a picture. A pig joins in on the screenshot and is used for food later.

Kurt talks more about the exciting space launch from last episode, which was postponed. He wishes them luck and Wolfie gives a bark for good luck too!

Donator question time!

Donator Devon asks "All throughout space travel history, what was your favourite launch vehicle?"

Kurt has an affinity for the space shuttle. I'm not sure what my favourite would be, but that is the one that immediately comes to mind when you think of space travel.

Kurt comes across a really cool land formation and tries to come up with names for it. He decides on Floating Floats of Floaterdom. Makes me think of the float rocks from Mystic Quest/Final Fantasy Adventure for the Game Boy. They don't look as amazing as this place does but they did in my imagination! He gives the area a different name.

Some more cool formations ahead all around so Kurt decides to do some 360 degree panoramic photography. He builds his second elevated hidey hole in this exact spot too. He also puts a sign on the pillar of this hidey hole that reads "The Spires of Atlantisness Ep. 435".

Donator Foxxxxxy24(not sure how many xs) asks "If you could choose any one space mission to go back in time and be part of, which one would you choose? Apollo 11, 13, The Gemini?"

Kurt straight away says "not Apollo 13!" and has a good think about the rest of the question and talks a lot about it. Worth listening in.

Kurt comes across a large cliff face with a straight solid wall, which looks pretty cool and between all the exploring, he loops back to the second elevated hidey hole! Soon afterwards he comes across something that looks like someone just started a hidey hole already. He even makes an actual door for it.

I hope that white figure that passes the door outside was the chicken clucking instead of a skeleton!

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