Monday 14 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #439


Current distance from Kurt: 100 episodes. Gaining! Getting exciting :)

We join Kurt as he retraces his steps back to the first attempt at last night's hidey hole. It was a scary moment! Check that out too!

Soon afterwards, Kurt continues on his journey to the Far Lands! He talks about the recent Falcon 9 landing attempt on an unmanned sea barge in great detail. I looked up a video of it and it's quite dramatic.

On the second day, Kurt talks about the discovery of the lost Mars Beagle 2 lander.

Now it's time for donor questions!

Patron Michael asks "If a magical genie would appear and tell you it could get rid of your introversion, but it would mean that you would lose your sense of humour, would you do it?"

He says he wouldn't. I wouldn't either. There's value in it.

Donor M4CO asks "What kind of social contact do you have in real life?" (this donor mentions they work at home)

Kurt talks about this for a while, about talking on the phone and other stuff.

He takes a screenshot of a cliff with a pillar underneath.

Donor Peter&Kat ask "Do you enjoy doing puzzles? Sudoku or Nonograms?"

Kurt isn't into puzzles much but he likes Scrabble and he's good at the Magic Eye things. He's a genius I tell you! :) (sailboats... bah!) as for me I like puzzles. Not too many at once though. The odd Sudoku is fine and nonograms are awesome. I love a bit of Picross :)

Donor HappyFlavour asks "Whatever happened to the snarky yellow text?"

Kurt explains it all until he runs his boat into dry ground, but continues explaining. The snarky yellow text was fun for me but I don't mind it not being there. It still appears at the start when Wolfie barks and some other irregular occasions where it does get a laugh from me :) it's all good!

Kurt builds his hidey hole at a natural arch and cooks some iron that was lining the wall. He has central heating tonight :)

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