Friday 4 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #430


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. No change!

Kurt is awakened by footsteps. Thankfully it belongs to the pig we met last night.

Being the 22nd of December 2014, Kurt mentions how it's getting late for Christmas shopping! Luckily, I still have some time since it's earlier in the month :) I haven't started yet!

After telling us not to miss Wednesday's SpeedRunners episode(have I seen it already? If it was the MCGamer glitch then yeah that was a great one :) ) Kurt goes into donator questions.

Donator Patrick from Germany asks "Do you or did you ever root for a baseball team?"

Kurt talks about White Sox. I never have, not even GAA rounders.

Patron Anna asks "I love card games like rummi, poker, crazy eights. Are you a card player and if so, what is your game of choice?"

He isn't really but he talks about card games he played like UNO. I'm not much of a card player myself but I used to play switch with my family a lot, which is similar to UNO. Kurt mentions Mille Bornes. I used to play a version of that called 1,000 Miles on my old System 6 Macintosh all the time :) I'd love to play it again! I never knew the version Kurt mentioned existed!

*Takes a break to play 1,000 Miles*

Ah, that was a nice trip down memory lane :)

He adds that he's not much into the casino card games. I'm not either. He talks more about family board game memories.

Donator Anthony asks "What is your gamer fuel of choice?"

Kurt sticks to coffee. He's not into the energy drinks and I'm not either. If I had to choose one though it would be Irn-Bru, though I don't know if that's necessarily an energy drink.

Donator AB Animation asks "Do you watch any stand up comedy and are there any comedians that you particularly like?"

Kurt mentions some comedians he's seen live. As for me I like our own Tommy Tiernan and Brendan Grace! Tommy Cooper and Jack Dee are great too. There are others I can't think of right now.

Donator PoisonWing asks "What is your favourite method of transportation?"

It depends on distance but he likes driving a car the most. As for me, Trains are nice but bus is fine too.

"What was your experience like when first learning to drive?"

He was good at it and learned it in school. I haven't learned.

"What are your three top favourite cars?"

Kurt mentions some cars he likes. I'm not that pushed about cars myself.

"If money was no issue what type of car would you get?"

Kurt mentions a type but he talks about other factors too.

He's asked about what colour he'd like in a car. A decent quality silver one he likes. I like colours that aren't ridiculous.

Donator Steven(sp?) asks "When feeling down and out, is there something that can instantly pick you back up and make you feel better?"

"Recording videos!" like he answered a different time and talks more about it. As for me, I think blogging will get me through sad and bluesy times. :)

"Have a Wolfie seat!" Kurt humorously says before sitting Wolfie down for the night. The card game question was my favourite part of this episode :)

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