Thursday 10 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #436


Current distance from Kurt: 103 episodes. Gaining!

It's so strange to see an actual door in the hidey hole. We join Kurt at the Spires of Atlantis before he leaves on seeing a creeper. Not much chance for final sightseeing!

Another space news update on the Falcon 9 launch, which got delayed again. Comet Lovejoy is viewable as well if you have clear skies and binoculars or something.

Kurt makes his first elevated hidey hole near a zombie spawner and takes care of it in the morning. He takes some iron from the chests.

Then it's on to questions from Twitter!

@Rubot asks "What do you think of Twitter?"

Kurt likes it. It's one of his favourite social networks. As for me I like it too, though they are actively thinking of ways to mess it up. I usually just read tweets.

@PhoenixFan765 asks "What cons do you plan on attending anytime soon?"

He's planning on PAX South and talks more about conventions like Minecon. He'd like to attend a car show or a space show some time. As for me, I've never attended a convention.

He gets ambushed by a skeleton but comes away without a mark.

@Magic_Sky_Lady asks "What did the best burger you've ever eaten contain and where did you get it from?"

Kurt replies with a chain restaurant called Smokey Bones. He also talks about another time in a different place where the burger had nice cheddar but then on a subsequent visit he got really bad food poisoning.

@Kranis asks "What would your spirit animal be?"

Kurt says it's a turtle of some kind. I wouldn't know what mine would be...

He takes a screenshot of another cool land formation, a cliff with a chunk taken out of it.

@MrJohnZ asks "What time do you usually wake up?"

Later than he intends to but still early. He talks a bit about it. As for me, it depends on the day.

@ZPucky asks "Why does the compass mark south when you go west?"

Kurt explains it all.

@AppleOfClowns asks "Will you ever play long RPGs on your channel?"

It's not really Kurt's genre. He talks more about it. As for me, I like RPGs but I am aware of how tedious they can be.

@tctomy21 asks "When will the livestreams come back?"

Kurt says they'll come back soon.

He builds his hidey hole near some ice and Wolfie slides as he sits him down. He goes to sleep with a dirt block item spinning in his face!

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