Saturday 5 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #431


Current distance from Kurt: 106 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt is awakened by a burning zombie outside. He then remembers a submerged spawner so he has a look. Just when he decides to show a bit of Christmas mercy, he knocks a sand block which topples into the dungeon and instead unwittingly causes a Christmas zombie massacre! Oops!

Kurt talks about his cinema going experience of watching The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I watched it too last year in 2D and yeah I think it's kind of weird that it wasn't in the high frame rate. It was a good enough time but as with the other Lord of the Rings movies, I'm happy just watching it once!

On the second day, Kurt goes into donator questions!

Donator TestForEcho asks "In your early FLoB episodes, you expressed a few times that you would like to go back to college for learning another career. If your YouTube career didn't pan out, would you have gone ahead and went back to college for geology or would it have been something else?"

I remember this! I remember being worried about my future too at the time so having Kurt considering options like this was a nice thing to have. Felt like a shared experience. Kurt reflects on those times. I'm still worried about my future.

Walking along the ice there are holes. Kurt keeps an eye on Wolfie in case he gets trapped under the ice but then he falls in and is at a risk of that himself!

Donator Jack asks "What's the most impressive physical feat you have ever accomplished?"

Kurt doesn't have such a story but he says something about gym memberships that I never knew before. Yikes! I can't think of anything either besides walking or hiking long distances.

Donator Mark asks "What was your favourite toy or plushie as a child?"

While answering this question, we hear something like an arrow shot. Only see a creeper in a nearby cave though, no skeletons. Hmm...

Kurt mentions a few nice sounding toys. I had to look up what a tee ball was! It's hard for me to decide which toy was my favourite... Can't think of one right now! I generally loved the video games I got for Christmas.

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