Saturday 5 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #432


Current distance from Kurt: 105 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt emerges from his cleverly built sand hidey hole. He made a 3x3 dirt block roof since sand doesn't stay floating in mid air.

It's now post-Christmas in Far Lands or Bust land in 2014 while here I am a year later waiting and preparing for it in 2015!

He sails across the water and spots an island that has a creeper, pigs and cows jumping around on it. He calls it "That Island". It's a happenin' place!

Kurt talks about his Christmas a little bit. I remember mine having a good time with family, having dinner together and going out for a walk afterwards. It was very quiet outside that afternoon! Watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the very first time on T.V. so that was nice too. Not sure where I was in watching Far Lands or Bust! episodes!

After a brief space news update, Kurt goes into donator questions!

Donator StarMan asks "Are you a fan of amusement parks and if so, what's your favourite flat ride or roller coaster?"

Kurt talks about an experience he had on one and isn't big into them. I'm not either though the bumper cars were always reliably fun.

Donator Greydon asks "What are your thoughts on UHC Season 19?"

Kurt talks about his own experience. I really enjoyed it! Especially when he and VintageBeef were trying to find each other. They were all like "Marco!" and "Polo!". Great fun! It was an interesting spin on the regular formula.

Kurt's also asked about peated whiskey and talks about it for a while. Wouldn't be into it myself since I don't drink. Never even heard of anything to eat or drink being peated before.

Donator Ryan gave a little limerick with his donation! How nice! Check it out in the video :)

An anonymous Patron asks "If you could change your first name so that it could no longer be Kurt, what would you change it to?"

He wouldn't but he talks about it for a bit. He's right, I can't really think of him being anything but Kurt! I wouldn't change my first name either.

Patron Alzeroth asks "If you had the resources i.e. money, time, people etc to develop any one project that you could dream of, what would you choose it to be and why? Spaceship to travel to Mars? Your own space agency? A charity? High quality simulation racing game? etc. etc."

He discusses some stuff like space travel and custom cars. I'm not sure what I would do... make a living from something perhaps?

Patron Kathy asks "If you could create one epic meal, what would it consist of and who would be your guests, if any?"

While answering this question he almost made Wolfie target practice!

Kurt talks about meals with lots of participants and how he's not really into that. I think they can be ok but only if you're lucky enough for it not to be annoying and not be wanting for anything.

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