Sunday 27 December 2015

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 4


Kurt and Beef go to Shanghai. They come first and second in the qualifying but that's just fine with Esteban! Second place is better than first you know :)

We actually see Beef ahead of Kurt in the race! He's passed him before but it's usually Kurt that does so well.

Beef gives out to Kurt for making fun of his accents and they talk a bit about PAX memories, or at least the experience of San Antonio's roads.

They're beating the competition very well. Beef is way in front of the others and Kurt is even further in front. It's pretty lonely for both of them! At least they can chat over Skype or something.

Beef gives out to Kurt again for not seeing Total Recall, which is his favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. "Come on! It's got Mars in it!" he says to that effect :)

Not sure what my favourite Arnie movie is. Predator maybe. Kindergarten Cop I liked when I was really young. The most recent thing I saw Arnie in was an advert for a mobile phone game.

Anyway, Kurt wins the race and Esteban comes up in his favourite place!

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