Saturday 26 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #445


Current distance from Kurt: 98 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he leaves his grave-like hidey-hole, grabs Wolfie and away they sail to the Far Lands!

Kurt teases a little fundraising event for an upcoming episode. I wonder what it'll be? Will I like it? Will I not like it? I'll find out soon! Of course, it's in the past so I can find out now but... where's the fun in that?

Let's jump into donor questions!

Donor ColdWithin asks "Are the rumours I've heard regarding a co-op SpinTires true?"

Kurt discusses it and hopes he can play some of it soon, with perhaps more than one other player too.

They also ask about a possible return to Eidolon. Kurt hopes to! I'm looking forward to more videos in these games too.

He answers another old Twitter question about countries where he'd like to travel.

After this, Kurt talks more about his home plumbing issues. Fun and not so fun stuff...

It's been a while since the last Far Lands or Bust! Flashback, so Kurt invites us to nominate such a moment. Wonder what I'd pick? Hmm...

Kurt takes another screenshot of a cool mountain formation.

Also, regarding Flashbacks, he says we don't need to watch every episode of Far Lands or Bust! to catch up. This is my own challenge though :) I might as well keep going the way I'm going. I'm still willing anyway!

While sailing, Kurt talks about missing fried calamari since making his dietary changes. I've never had it before. Wouldn't really be too enthusiastic about trying it either!

Kurt builds his hidey hole with the soothing sound of a flowing river nearby. He apologises for the lack of commentary in this episode, but I think he did very well!

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