Tuesday 8 December 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #434

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wphh09rHRDs

Current distance from Kurt: 104 episodes. Gaining!

Many happy returns Kurt! This is the first Far Lands or Bust! of 2015! That's THIS year! Whooaaaaaaaaa!! It's been a long time since I watched episodes from the current year and I'm going to take this opportunity to enjoy (or enyoy) it while it lasts! May the gap grow ever narrower!

We join Kurt as he waits for a skeleton to burn away outside. He emerges safely and puts up a sign under the firework display that says "Episode 434 First Episode of 2015!" and discovers that when you jump and place a sign, you remain suspended in the air until you finish writing on it.

Some space news about an event that'll take place really early in the morning. The SpaceX Falcon 9 is going to the International Space Station to resupply it and then try to come back without wasting what they'd usually waste.

Kurt talks about his popular videos from last year, SpeedRunners with MindCrack, Formula1 with VintageBeef and SpinTires. I do like rooting for Kurt in SpeedRunners and SpinTires is a nice cosy adventure. Haven't blogged abut Formula1 with VintageBeef yet.

He also talks about his KurtIndeed vlog on YouTube! I must cover that one soon!

One amazing moment with Wolfie here - Kurt spots a little almost Tetris block shaped trench and Wolfie navigates around the edge of it perfectly. "Who are you and what have you done with Wolfie?!" he asks.

Walking through a desert, he doesn't say this but there's an amazing looking natural structure that has a diving board like formation jutting out of it. He does look at it a few times though.

Now for donator questions!

Donator Cold asks "How did the fade turn out on your pair of tailored stitches?"

Kurt talks about pants and jeans for a while. As for me I like regular pants. I never really liked jeans.

Donator BCS300Z asks "I've always been intrigued and curious about the Dr Who franchise. Where would you recommend one start?"

Kurt replies that he's not an expert as he's only watched some series. He talks more about this.

Someone from Twitter asks "What made you interested in pin-striping when you were younger? Would you still do it now as a hobby?"

Kurt says he doesn't do it now but he liked it from an artistic point of view.

Kurt outlines some goals for 2015 and then makes his hidey hole with a cobblestone top as a door frame.

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