Tuesday 29 March 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLPIOG9cxAY

Kurt opens with crossing a river successfully, but gets stuck at a makeshift bridge. At first uneventful, but suddenly quite eventful!

I like the word "SpinTirees" :) Having a SpinTirement in Florida might be nice if it wasn't for some of the extreme hurricane weather I keep hearing about.

That tree stump field with the path running through looks pretty in the morning light with the birds singing and everything :) All except for that cloaking tornado thing, which looks very ominous and dark.

Urgh... I say this every time but that unlocking music really throws me off. You have the lovely birdsong and then all of a sudden... KRRANNGGHHHRRHHHKK.

Later on he takes out the light blue truck. At the end the apartments are shown. I wonder what accommodation is like for the workers in SpinTire-Land? Can they order pizza? Do they have high speed internet?

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