Friday 18 March 2016



Kurt, Brian AxlRosie and Eva celebrate the discovery of the pink sheep! Eva celebrates with the squeaky toy "Squeeeeeeak squeak!"

Kurt puts up a sign to celebrate. He waits for someone to donate past the $63K point so that they may name this particular sheep. He should've sheared the sheep while he was waiting... maybe more pink wool would grow back? He writes "PIIINK SHEEEP of $63,000 FLoB-athon 2015 *squeak!*" on the sign when that donation point is reached. He puts the rest of his half slabs around it and shears the sheep for 4 blocks of wool. Very generous :)

Poor Eva wants to play more and takes out some tissue paper from the bathroom. Eva the diva! She just wants to play fetch :)

That's pretty funny when Kurt almost jinxes Wolfie's long lifespan!

That's nice of the Twitch chatters to change their names from pink to gold in hopes of finding a golden apple :)

Later on, Kurt plays the pink sheep song that someone remixed nicely :)

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