Wednesday 9 March 2016



Kurt has another lovely splash screen up while he backs up and reads out donor comments and questions.

After a little break he has another lovely piece of artwork up as the splash screen. It has him looking off into the distance with his hand over his forehead and a smiling Wolfie standing next to him. In the background there is a creeper lurking behind a tree and a chicken underneath the elevated hidey hole! Some lovely trees, mountains and moon in the background too. Sixalona(spelling?) made this one and Anasia(spelling?) made the last one with the cute style Kurt and Wolfie frolicking about. The "My Coffee Is Cold" one is by Carrotfreak and was inspired by 2014 FLOBathon.

It's nice that Kurt gives credit where credit is due :) they are lovely pieces of art. Imagine that if someday FLOBathon splash screen space will be something really sought after, like Super Bowl ad space!

When Kurt gets back into the game he meets the first creepers of FLOBathon 2015! He dodges them well though!

He tells the story of how two creepers launched him up into the air! I remember that well and the FLOB Flashback!

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