Friday 18 March 2016



Kurt tends to Eva while AxlRosie chats with the livestream chatters. Brian Lorgon111 appears too and joins in!

The chat continues to talk about a pink beard goal and Brian finds it amusing! I wouldn't make poor Kurt do something like this!

Kurt comes back to lots of "Pink beard" comments in the chat!

Nice chat about cats they're having :)

They talk about time zones where they all are for a bit. It would've been 4AM here too had I participated among the Twitch text chatters!

Kurt comes back with Eva's puzzle toy and positions the camera to show it. Nice socks by him! Calf cam!

From the chat: "Dye the dog pink"?! Noooo! (Piiiink dooooog lol)

Eva solves the puzzle and gets the treats effortlessly! Pretty impressive and cute! Brian says to watch out, that she might get so smart that she starts her own vlog channel!

Someone jokingly mistakes the whole puzzle thing as a really realistic mod texture pack! Haha :)

Eva continues and plays with the floppy fox toy thingy.

When Kurt goes back into the game, Eva fetches a squeakier toy. She wants to be part of it still!

Kurt meanders to explore a cool structure and discovers a pink sheep at last! Woo! Eva celebrates too with the squeaky toy!

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