Thursday 17 March 2016



Kurt and Wolfie head over to the cool looking island formation to explore while talking about his first apartment and moving out. Beard cam is still online too!

Nice little bit of adventuring through a small cave there. He safely dodges dodgy mobs too.

Teehee. Nice teasing of a viewer that asked "what did I miss?". Kurt jokes that he lost the footage of incredible stuff that'll never be seen again!

That moneymaking gesture is also the one shop assistants do when they're checking for fake notes.

Neon green on white? Are they nuts?? No actually, because they're insta-following Kurt. Woo!

I'd imagine sprinting would be sort of busywork and make you stressed out about hunger and stuff. Kurt's probably better off.

Nice Seinfeld reference :)

If that sheep was a madam, it'd be "baa to you, ewe"!

Kurt comes across a weird happenstance: a woodless, trunkless tree! He takes a screenshot of it and it looks like Wolfie's ears got in too!

Kurt finds a sandpit of uncertain doom and fortunately it becomes the sandpit of certain undoom... non...doom.

In the morning, Kurt jumps in sync with Wolfie. Good way to start the day :)

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