Tuesday 8 March 2016

FLOBATHON 2015 DAY 1 (1/16) - IT BEGINS!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B95yjB48Kg

My first blog post covering a FLOBathon! Though I've watched every single one of them. I've even been lucky enough to catch the first one while it was still online. The video has a gorgeous piece of artwork by Taraforest as the splash screen. It features Kurt's character looking back at Wolfie playfully as they frolic and bravely venture towards the Far Lands. I hope there isn't a creeper in that shady area!

Kurt himself starts with a not-so-smooth smoothie. When he gets playing he makes a sign that says "FLoB-athon 2015 BEGINS! 05/30/15 Stress-Free!" which can disappear because of the block offset. it's like some 3D .MPO image!

He gets on a good start. I've decided to do these posts for every half hour! The last post will be extra long though and beyond the 8th hour.

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