Tuesday 1 March 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVv87Re7odw

Current distance from Kurt: 80 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt livestreams again and announces the 100% completion of the donation goal reached for season 5! Woohoo! Wow, it took ages and it was quite eventful. The livestreams really helped and one very generous donor helped with the last jump. Kurt is so flabbergasted that Wolfie almost falls into a lava pool. Fortunately, Kurt makes him teleport just in time!

Kurt talks about Portalnauts, made by a fellow YouTuber he admired since his early days called GamesPlusJames(formerly IrishLantern). Nice to see how people get on after some time :)

Kurt talks about computing and the internet and the way things are and the the way things were and the way things will be. He uses his own Far Lands or Bust! series as an example in this discussion and how he likes it as a thing he can do for a long time or the way it's like a time capsule. I guess I can relate to this with my own fan blog here! Blogging is considered outdated or nostalgic by many but I still like working with it. It's also something I'd like to do for a long time, even when I catch up with Kurt.

Some real world stuff happens in the background when Eva barks at someone making a delivery outside :)

Wow, a Sesame Street concert? Neat :)

Kurt explains the St. Louis Sidestep. So he invented it? Super neat :)

Kurt had a weird dream about being visited by his dad to his new place to upgrade his heater. It's true, dreams can be very weird.

Kurt once again thanks everyone and says how amazing this whole thing is and it is! FloBathon will be soon!

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