Sunday 13 March 2016



24 hour Simpson channel? How can I lose! Kurt, Sevadus and Eva(on cam) talk about cable/internet packages.

Kurt goes back to beard cam and they discuss how hungry they are when they talk about sandwiches. They discuss livestreaming too and what times they do it.

I like their discussion of wake up alarm tones! Jurassic Park theme to wake you up? Awesome :) I actually find that I grow to detest any theme that has an "alarm" or "ring" function.

Adorable Eva bugs Kurt while recording for some attention!

Avidya joins Sevadus and Kurt for a nice chat! He just recovered from a power outage and they all have a nice chat about weather!

They talk about tipping, which is a bit of a strange concept. Other stuff too like the legality of pumping your own gas depending on what U.S. state you're in.

Kurt makes a sign that says "Ride a Pig! FLoB-athon 2015 05/30/2015 $56,671.11" and fulfills his intention to ride a pig with a saddle. Kurt jokingly holds the pig's life at stake for a donation and then a big one comes through! The pig lives! Sorry Wolfie!

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