Tuesday 8 March 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsaZN6dAfes

Current distance from Kurt: 78 episodes. Gaining! Probably the last gain for a while...

Last episode before the FLOBathon! Kurt talks about it and about his new graphics card too.

While discussing video editing software, Kurt narrowly saves Wolfie from walking into a cactus! The emergent tone in his voice was pretty funny!

He answers another question about passing the torch on Far Lands Or Bust!... He mentions Dr Brian Lorgon111 as one of the top candidates. He also talks about his nephew Goober and shares a story about how he plays games like as if they're Let's Plays, even though he's not recording! That's cute :)

Kurt only mentions possibilities. Obviously it's not a thing he's seriously doing right now!

He discovers a zombie spawner in some sand and it's a little scary when some of it collapses, but no harm is done.

Hoo boy, FLOBathon 2015 is next! Let's see how I get along with this...

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