Wednesday 23 March 2016



Current distance from Kurt: 84 episodes. Yikes! Big lag behind due to FLoBathon coverage!

Kurt welcomes us back to this near hour long special of Far Lands Or Bust! It's the first one after the 2015 FLoBathon and it's dedicated to building the new monument!

Firstly, Kurt discovers that this crater has a neighbouring twin crater!

He talks about the FLoBathon while chopping trees and digging around for the monument he wants to build.

While building, time passes so he makes an elevated hidey hole for quick access and fills up the regular one.

I'm glad he decided not to go for the pink beard suggestion! Yeesh!

He's trying to alter the walls of the crater so it gives off a cool visual effect.

This was the calm and collected FLoBathon and it went pretty well for him! It was quite enjoyable and fun to watch too with lots of variety and guests :)

He nips off to a nearby desert to collect some sand. When he comes back he does a quick time lapse of all the building and sculpting he has to do in order to make the monument.

He's putting in stone steps and everything. This'll be a tourist hotspot someday!

I keep thinking that single block of pink wool is a pig wandering around...

Ooo... it looks pretty at night with all the torches lighting it up :)

Torches and flaming netherrack... dramatic!

The way the blocks are arranged on the sides of the crater looks a bit like a Q*Bert screen!

Wow! Nice surprise he made too with a deluxe hidey-hole with a glass roof underneath the other crater and a tunnel joining the two!

He's planning a lava feature. It's like a water feature, only with lava! He has excess glass, so he's gonna use them somehow. He breaks the pink wool block.

He then excavates a cave next to the deluxe hidey hole of its zombies and some amusing awkwardness with Wolfie follows. He ends up having to make new pants.

He builds the long glass towering tube that reaches high up into the sky. Up here he places a chest and a sign that says "2,266,779 F3 on 5/31/2015 FLoB Season 5 Finale". On the other side of the pillar he puts up a sign that says "Here Remains the Diamond Sword of Spawn Pointiness". In the chest he finally leaves this mystical sword to rest! Along with some arrows in the corners, for a touch of class.

He almost breaks into song too :)

But yeah... my goodness, the legacy of this sword!

Kurt digs back down to confirm the safety of the lava feature. It's perfect :)

He then places his 4 pink wool blocks on the top corners of the monument crater. The sun goes down and it looks even prettier. He thinks twice about taking a screenshot when danger appears, so he retires to his luxury hidey hole, complete with roof chicken. Very cosy! It even has a view of the lava feature through the glass roof! Wolfie's here too.

Kurt thanks everybody for their support at the end of this fifth season and takes a well earned snooze!

After the endslate, there's a fun little skit where Kurt is doing the "Woo!" thing while spiralling around in slow motion and in fast. :)

Great end to Season 5 of Far Lands Or Bust!

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