Wednesday 16 March 2016



Kurt, Brian, Avidya and PauseUnpause have another round of Minecraft bingo, a tiebreaker!

Kurt forgets to bring food into a deep cave but luckily finds some red mushrooms to make stew with.

Teeheehee. Pause and his dainty sneeze sound! :)

Kurt and Brian break the tie with their swift glorious win! Poor Pause and Avidya chime their disappointment in synch. Aw!

They all wrap up and share their congrats and goodbyes.

After a break it's back to the Far Lands Or Bust! world.

Wow... there's already fanart of the pink beard suggestion. Yikes!

After the break Kurt comes back after a water spillage accident that got on his chair. Whoops! He even shows it on cam. It kind of looks like chair sweat. After another little break Eva is shown on cam playing with her floppy fox toy thing.

Kurt jumps into the world, keeping the beard cam and we get a good sense of what it's like waiting for Wolfie to bark!

He answers how old he was when he left home, while Eva whips him with the fox toy thingy. He was 27 which sounds interesting and kind of sensible. He talks about what the difficult part was too.

He then takes a snapshot of a cool looking land formation in an island in the distance and goes there to investigate and explore.

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