Monday 26 October 2015

SpinTires #38


We join Kurt as he sets out to decloak the last remaining hidden spot on the map which seems to be tucked away on an island in the river. Along the road he comes across a massive urban looking apartment complex which looks post apocalyptic and abandoned. It does look really out of place. Weird!

The explore river achievement is eventually unlocked easily as it's straight across from the weird building. He then plans out his next step...

As he runs over the foliage he adds his own sound effects "Crunch!" as he goes over his plans for carrying lumber, going back to the left side of the map(where he started).

The menu's font reminds me of the Geneva font on old Macintosh computers but doesn't look exactly like it.

As he drives over some mushrooms he declares himself not a "fun-guy" and goes on a mushroom tangent, talking about how he likes them as a topping but not as a big massive thing in a salad or burger. He talks more about like-it or hate-it polarising food as he drives through the river at night.

As for me I share this opinion. Nice small mushrooms can be tasty as long as they're cooked right. An entire mushroom burger? Eesh!

He goes on to carry a bigger load and ventures out to unlock the garages he decloaked.

Things get tense when he carries the big load through the river in the dead of night and... it doesn't turn out so pretty... Glub glub indeed!

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