Tuesday 27 October 2015

Mindcrack Server: Pig Repopulation! Weekly Livestream Part 1 of 3

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2UPS0_3M0U

Nice idea for a livestream! We join the intrepid Kurt as he asks the chat participants about the location of the network of caves he was exploring earlier. The wonders of livestreaming!

He explores out and follows the tracks for a while and makes his way through Western Town. He mentions how he begins the livestreams with space launches which is a disadvantage of watching the archived stream on YouTube later. Oh well.

At one point he comes across an interesting castle someone built during the night with doors lined outside of it and goes to VintageBeef's place where he does some caving. At this point he talks about his exercise routine of push-ups and about his chair giving him trouble with his back with all of its adjustments. He fears that he may have overdone it at some point. I have this fear sometimes with my walking routine and if my body tries to tell me if I overdo it or not.

An interesting moment comes up when he mines emerald and has an exciting encounter with a bunch of mobs. This is my first time hearing about emerald being something you can mine. He's also able to dispatch a witch without any damage done to himself.

Towards the end of the first half hour he accidentally has a creeper blast away the wall of someone's rail tunnel. He then sets out to repair it while apologising profusely! Turns out that it was Pyro's structure. He finishes repairing and heads to the surface. He pauses at the end of the first half hour to watch a rocket launch, possibly something he did together with chat participants on Twitch.

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