Friday 23 October 2015

Mindcrack Mini-Marathon - Sept. 6, 2014 - Hour 4 of 4


We join our hero Kurt as he chills out with the chat for a short while and makes a joke about how the rabbit hide looks like Batman or "Rabbatman!". Jokes! :D

He thinks about building something and registers his interest in an available plot by altering the sign by amending it with

"Kurt is interested in this!"

He spends a good bit of this hour exploring the town, figuring out what to do and climbs to the top of a castle and gets a good view as the sun sets.

At one stage he goes to AnderZ's place with the underwater dome. There's a cabin at the entrance with a disturbing rabbit staring at the corner for some reason and Kurt finds some equipment enchanted with some diving properties. This enables him to explore underwater without worrying too much about finding air or moving slowly.

After this he goes to this really tall tower and tries the daredevil archery game where you jump off the tower, bounce on the platforms and hit the targets. He falls to his doom unfortunately and nearly all his stuff scatters into the deep ocean. Oh no!!

He attempts to get it back using the torch and cobble air trick but it's just too awkward to do, so after drowning he jump sprints back to AnderZ's cabin to get the diving equipment.

He was looking for adventure, but adventure found him! Lots of funny almost swearing happens!

He finally gets his stuff back thanks to the diving equipment and puts up a funny sign near the base of the tower:

"0 yelps terribly designed would not play again. -yelper123"

Pretty funny :)

On his way back he finds pigs up in a tree, which are supposedly very rare on the server and makes another sign:

"There are pigs in this tree. ^"

The rest of the hour he wanders around more, expertly sniping a zombie and then decides to end the stream by chancing the Nether portal again.

So he puts all his equipment in the Nether chest and other nearby chest and heads through with just his iron sword.

He is promptly killed again by the zombie pigman and spawns all the way back on the tower of his least favourite archery mini-game. DANG IT!

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