Thursday 29 October 2015

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 2


Witch attack! Kurt fires and misses with his only arrow as they attempt to defend their base in the abandoned mine shaft. Poor MCGamer is unlucky here and gets taken down to half a heart, earning the nickname "mchurt" in the chat. The witch is eventually safely dispatched with as Kurt sings "Ding dong!".

Some excitement and panicked whimpering follows as they decide to move their base, encountering mobs, watching each others back and occasionally whacking each other in the back accidentally. Things eventually calm a bit as they continue caving. Some players on the other team at this stage are earning diamonds.

MC goes for an ill-timed bathroom break as panic strikes again with a nametag sighting! They then think that maybe it was someone from their own team and calm down again.

Then the donator gifted items flow in! Pretty interesting to see the chat flow with the announcements of all the giftings. During this Kurt also finds some diamonds. The guys get a big kick out of all the gift announcements flowing... so much love from donators! It's an awesome thing :)

They conquer a zombie spawner, raid the chests and prepare to mine some nearby obsidian. Kurt crafts an enchanting table and puts Protection 1 on all his armour. They discover a big scary ravine nearby with lava flowing around. The other team members prepare their gear from all the stuff they receive too. MCGamer should be back up to a decent health by now...

The episode ends when Kurt finds a good batch of diamond and gold that was overlooked.

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