Saturday 24 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #402


Current distance from Kurt: 119 episodes. Falling behind by 1! Man that livestream really took up a lot of my Far Land time but it was fun and adventuresome in itself. Let's continue!

We rejoin Kurt and Wolfie on their epic journey. Throughout the first day Kurt talks about the SpaceX Falcon 9 satellite launch and weird headphone noises while also talking about the next episode of SpeedRunners and how much of a hoot it's gonna be. We shall see in the next blog entry!

Anyway back to Kurt and Wolfie and on to the second day. Wolfie has some clumsy antics and at one stage Kurt has to fend off a sudden creeper attack. Near the elevated hidey hole stands a monolith with a bit of sand covering it. Kurt cleans it off and snaps a screenshot with Wolfie and comes up with a new name for him, "Nood!". "Sit still ya nood!" he says. Later on he makes some surround sounding sheep "nood" as well as he shears them.

Donator Florent has two questions. They ask "Are you in the Far Lands yet?"

"No" he says and mentions how he was 1.4 million blocks from spawn at the last F3 press and the Far Lands themselves being roughly 12.5 million blocks away so it's quite a long way to go yet. Will this blog last that long? We shall see...

Second question from them is "Consequently, what is currently broken about the environment?"

Just the jittery-ness of blocks and Wolfie's crazy teleportation abilities into blocks and boats which puts us all on the edge of our seats. Weird floating and flat structures are just part of the beauty of the earlier terrain generation.

At the end of the second day Kurt makes the elevated hidey hole near a cool overhanging slab cliff structure.

Donator Youngblade asks "Do you have any thoughts about open source software; have you ever considered doing let's plays of open source games, so that you won't need to worry about copyright issues or so your viewers can freely get the games themselves?"

Kurt generally likes open source software. He discusses terminology and how freeware is different. He goes into how he likes the indie games too and often plays them on his channel.

As for me, yes I think open source software and freeware can be friggin' awesome! Indie games are good if they're good!

Around this point Kurt takes another cool screenshot of a prominent peak in the distance.

Donator TestForEcho asks two questions. The first: "If you were to die in the Far Lands or Bust world and couldn't find the site of where you died what would you do?"

He says he would continue on! Also hopes Wolfie would respawn nearby. I think this is a good attitude. All about the journey rather than the items!

At one stage he comes across a tree that has snow on it. None of the others nearby have snow so he calls it the dandruff tree.

The second question: "When you start console gaming and after you do PS2 games, would you consider getting a 7th gen console as well as an 8th?"

He considers many things about the new generation and issues like backwards compatibility. Also talks about how he'd be interested in Forza on one console and Journey on the other. He is at the moment thinking of testing games in his PS2 collection. He seems to be a PC guy mostly though.

As for me, I have 7th and 8th gen consoles but only Nintendo ones. I guess we can't have everything in common! They're usually OK for backwards compatibility when it's one generation behind.

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