Thursday 29 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #405


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he instructs Wolfie to attack a pig to which Wolfie responds by jumping off a ledge. Not to worry! It wasn't too deep.

Kurt reflects on the fun times enjoyed during the recent charity UHC competition as he walks across the ice and beyond.

He also brings up the big Minecraft news about Microsoft's now official buyout of Mojang. Rumours no more! He goes into detail about Notch's perspective on the whole thing for the rest of the first day. I'm still lamenting over the fact that it never appeared on the Wii and probably won't appear on the Wii U and so on.

Kurt says now's not the time to be freaking out over what bad thing may or may not happen and that he's congratulating Notch. I agree with him wholeheartedly. Again he's thankful that Minecraft helped establish himself on YouTube and I'm glad too since I get to enjoy amazing things like Far Lands or Bust!

Towards the end of the second day he talks about VintageBeef from MindCrack's news where he got a big chance to go to Italy to take part in some kind of video racing game promotion thingy which sounds pretty cool.

On the third day, Kurt goes to check out some cool cliff landform while answering questions!

Donator James from UK asks: "Have you been catching up with Peter Capaldi's take on Dr. Who?"

He says he hasn't. As for me I've never actually watched Dr. Who myself.

Second question(may be spoilery): "How do you feel about Jenna Coleman leaving Dr. Who and who has been your favourite companion?"

He doesn't know anything about the news and talks a bit about her character. Again, kind of over my head!

During the answering of this question, Wolfie slays a pig on instruction without falling in a hole!

As for favourite companion, he's only been watching the modern series so he only discusses characters like Amy Pond and Rose. As for me, I don't know who Billie Piper played but I'd tend to pick her as I grew up with her pop songs like "Honey to the Bee". Not a great reason but it's the only one I could pick at this stage if I were to be put in an arm twist!

Donator BaconRobot asks "What is your opinion of bacon and what is your opinion of robots?"

He likes bacon as he discussed in a previous episode where he recommended baking bacon instead of frying it. He likes the robots that go into outer space and take pictures of alien planets. He then talks about Rosetta, a project about landing on a comet which is quite interesting and lasts until the evening.

As for me, yes I like both as well!

Kurt wraps up the episode by giving Wolfie a non-smoking light, thanking the people who donated to the UHC charity and again, congratulating Notch and Mojang and looks forward to the future.

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