Wednesday 21 October 2015

SpinTires #36


Kurt prepares to cross the river in this episode. In the dark of night he makes his way to the shore. There are some light and presumably shallow bits of the river on the map aside from the part covered by the cloaking which is kind of bothersome. It's worth getting as much intel as possible about the area right?

He decides to go back to the garage for some new tyres instead and his rendition of "In the middle of the night" is quite entertaining :)

He gets majorly stuck in a big watery hole just outside the garage and it takes until morning to get out of it. All in good fun and more than enough reason to upgrade to some better tyres! 

I like the route planning system this game has. I'm familiar using this kind of thing from playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Many games probably have it now.

After much careful planning and upgrading he eventually crosses the river, using the islands strategically. Water does some serious damage as we can see at one point when the truck gets almost completely submerged! Quite the nerve-wracking moment!

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