Friday 30 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #406


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie and a creeper and... yikes! Luckily Kurt senses it with his amazing powers and quickly flees the hidey hole with Wolfie, reaches the shore safely, makes some boats and away they sail!

Kurt talks more about VintageBeef's adventure and how it's presented like some kind of reality tv experience. He also talks about how seeds spread in real life on peoples shoes when he finds some random seeds in his inventory. Hmmm...

Kurt also reveals that he purchased an Xbox One after much consideration, humming and hawing. He was pretty interested in Forza and one of his Patreon things was to cover some console gaming. He also wanted to take on VintageBeef's record times and stuff.

He talks about his experience and impressions, including how the controller thumbsticks seem tiny to him, compared the PlayStation ones he's used to.

He makes the first elevated hidey hole near some wild wolves and they hang around to make it their home afterwards. Wolfie has a nice chat with them too. :)

With his last console being a simple plug and play PlayStation 2, he talks about the big culture shock of downloading updates, including the 16 GB of updates the game itself uses and wonders if there's any data on the actual game disc at all. Oh man... welcome to modern day console gaming Kurt...

Anyway, he says he's gonna stream some footage once he gets the capture card for it. One year later he has quite a few Xbox One videos uploaded to his channel.

After a brief talk about recent space news he goes into donator questions.

Donator DeltaWhiskey asks "What are your thoughts, if any, on the independence referendum in Scotland?"

He doesn't have an opinion as it's not really something he as much to do with but hopes whatever happens it's a good thing. As for me, I'm more or less the same. We heard very little about the referendum over here in the news so it's not something I talked about with anyone that much.

Donator Joe from the UK asks "I was wondering what games you were looking forward to and how do those games compare to games you looked forward to 10 or 20 years ago?"

He talks about how in the times before the internet the hype was different and how he goes for the more indie style games now as well as driving sims. 10 or 20 years ago his interest in video games came and went and he played mostly stuff like first person shooter games among other random stuff. He finds it hard enough to think about what his solid gaming interests were back then.

As for me, 20 years ago it was really exciting to read about what the Nintendo 64 and 3D adventure games were going to be like in games magazines and 10 years ago it was hugely exciting all over again to read about the Wii. Nowadays there's stuff like Nintendo Direct that continues to make it fun but direct from the source which is pretty cool.

Kurt turns in for the second night. Waking up, he sees a skeleton paddling in a shallow pool nearby and quietly slips away to answer another donator question.

Anonymous Donator asks "Any plans for making a game? Or something themed for the Play MindCrack server?"

He doesn't really get involved with that kind of development, though he does talk about King of the Ladder. Might be tough to do on a public server though.

As for me, I have an interest in making games but no plans for one.

Donator GrumpyOldMan asks "If you get back into KSP again, would you try Scott Manley's challenge for getting into space and back in the quickest amount of time?"

Kurt answers by talking at length about his on and off interest in the game. It's worth listening to for fans who miss his Kerbal Space Program videos. As for the challenge he's not sure.

I've never played the game myself but watching Kurt's videos were kinda neat. I hear it's coming to the Wii U so that sounds kinda cool.

On the last night he gives Wolfie a torch to keep him company and turns in to his hidey hole, talking about his MindCrack videos being livestreams for the moment.

They're tough but enjoyable to cover. I've decided to blog half an hour at a time for the livestreams.

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