Friday 30 October 2015

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 3


We join Kurt and co. as they set out to recover the precious gold and diamond from the dangers of the lava pool. Kurt finds even more as he explores further. At one point they also hear the garage door of destiny (Kurt's neighbours! :) ).

They rendez-vous back at the base to cook all the stuff they found and make an anvil. Kurt smiths a chestplate for MCGamer. He goes to mine some coal in order to gain some experience levels for further smithing and enchanting.

It's peaceful times at this point as they build up their strength.

MCGamer's Minecraft client crashes but he comes back to the server without too much of a hitch.

Soon afterwards the donators' gifts start flowing into everyone's inventories again! It's fascinating watching everyone stand still in a circle to pay attention to the chat flowing with the goodies!

People gasp when the gift worth $1,000 appears in the list. MCGamer laughs with glee as he keeps getting regen potions.

As they prepare the base for an experience farm Kurt finds a big cluster of diamonds right next to it! Right under all their noses!

Much drama happens in the chat announcements from the other teams when Milbee enters the Nether and immediately burns to death, followed closely by Pyro. BlueBayou gets slain by SynHD and Baj dies in lava as he tried to escape AderZEL. Many gasps are had by our team as they witness these chat announcements from the comfort of their base and they figure there must've been a trap set by one of the groups.

I wonder what happened exactly? Better have a look at a video made from the perspective of one of these guys.

While Kurt harvests experience from zombies he gets hit by one of them and the "to be continued..." sign flashes immediately.

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