Tuesday 20 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #401

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC1DzBdQWAM

Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes

The "four" theme from the previous episode continues when Kurt wakes to find 4 creepers outside his hidey hole for him to deal with. Yikes!

After dealing with them he changes the colour of the west wool on the 400 structure from red to yellow and away he goes again with Wolfie on his journey.

Most of the first day he talks about the 4 hour livestream special for his MindCrack Season 5 debut. I'll be blogging about this too! Perhaps for an hour at a time. We'll see.

On the second day he answers two more user questions from Alzerath (spelling?) from the last episode.

The first is "What future event that is outside the scope of your lifetime would you wish you could see?"

Kurt has some interesting answers about Martian expeditions and habitable exoplanets.

As for me, I would like to see a similar thing happen or at least seeing something that would make these things very easy to do.

The second question is "Your coffee has become room temperature. What do you do?
A Drink it as it is
B Add ice to chill it
C Reheat it"

Kurt opts for A, not being partial to the other two. I wouldn't blame him. I've heard people argue about reheating coffee in a microwave before and I can't imagine doing that myself.

As for me, I don't drink coffee so my answer is D: None of the above! If I did though, I think I'd be a coffee connoisseur like Kurt!

Towards the end of the second day there's a cool sand tumble when he places a dirt block in a sand hole that's worth watching! Before he tucks himself into bed, Wolfie teleports up to his elevated hidey hole and nearly pushes him out! Good thing he doesn't steal the sheets!

On the third day he answers 3 questions from Mike:

The first is "What is the most rewarding aspect about having YouTube as a career?"

Kurt talks about being self-employed and how interesting it is to meet global peers at events.

As for me, I don't have a YouTube career but I'd love to be my own boss.

The second question is "What's the most challenging aspect?"

Kurt talks about the workload and his own sense of perfectionism being a challenge as well as some aspects of social media.

Again, not applicable to me, though I'm not that fond of social media.

Kurt makes a waterfall off a cliff and carefully descends with Wolfie.

The third question is "If you could change anything about YouTube what would it be?"

Kurt mentions content ID and especially the forced Google Plus integration when YouTube was just perfectly successful as it was, though he's still thankful that he's able to make a career out of YouTube.

As for me I loved the earlier YouTube as well when it wasn't shoving all kinds of stuff in your face. One thing I missed from the earlier days of Far Lands or Bust was looking at a list of archived videos on numbered pages. Now it just has a "Load more" button, which I have to keep clicking when the archive is very large. Always found that annoying and wish it never happened.

During the third day Kurt also takes some postcard pictures with Wolfie in front of some epic cliffs and floating islands in the background, while trying to get him to sit in the right spot for it! There was no trouble earlier when Wolfie tried to hop into bed!

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