Tuesday 20 October 2015

SpinTires #35

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaLZBHj3JfY

I'll be covering other series Kurt does on my little YouTube watching and blogging hobby, though it will mainly be Far Lands or Bust!

This is my first time writing about SpinTires, which is an interesting off-road driving and navigation simulator thingy and is one of those Kickstarter success stories. Kurt's obviously taken a shine to it, seeing how this is his 35th episode playing.

I'm getting a pretty good impression of what the game has to offer in Kurt's playthrough here, where he explores the river map with a few of the vehicles and removes parts of the the cloaking on the map as he goes, while also finding cabins and garages.

It all seems pretty adventuresome. It's fun to see him take all kinds of risks to drive away from the mud beaten path and drive through the woods, seeing what trees will and won't bend out of the way.

It's also pretty entertaining the way he swears, whether it's "Sugar!" or "pith and vinegar!" which is a new one on me. (His Lovely Planet series has quite a lot of these too.)

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