Saturday 31 October 2015

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 5


We join the guys as they continue to wander around the rainy swampy area near the spawn point and the wither.

They explore more through trees, giant mushrooms and mountains. Aurelian from another team psyches everyone out when she asks in the chat if invisibility potions are allowed.

Soon afterwards it stops raining and Kurt does a name check at the entrance to a cave where someone else built their base. All clear.

They explore the surface for most of the episode, chatting away and Kurt spots a submerged spawner in the forest. They drain it out and the donator gifts start flowing again!

It was worth draining because Kurt finds a golden apple in one of the chests!

After exploring a bit more they finally encounter another team, share a regen and strength potions and engage in battle! Kurt manages to take out Aurelian but falls to CaptainSparklez. The others fall too and that was the competition. They hang out for a chat afterwards and then wrap up. Apparently they were up against one of the most powerful teams! GG!

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 4


We join the guys as they continue to farm for experience from the zombie spawner.

JustVan from another team dies from a zombie and they all send a gg(good game) to him, except for MCGamer who has a "gg jar" for some reason. Maybe he's saying it too much?

Kurt and MCGamer take bathroom breaks at one stage. While Kurt is out the donator gifts start flowing madly again! Kurt gets the amazing Notch Apple from Donator Anonymousless.

They all craft and enjoy their new stuff. Eventually they head up to the surface where it's raining.

While they run around the plains they wonder what to do and who to attack. They decide to break a regen potion between themselves.

Again, more donator gifts start flowing! The episode ends when they start hearing the wither that was unleashed earlier.

SpeedRunners with Orange Wool #15


Today it's just Kurt, Millbee and MCGamer again. Now that Kurt wears blue maybe we can call him Sonic Kurt? Can't think of any other superhero.

The game turns into KurtRunners due to his massive winning streak.

They try out a new stage that has a starry night and moon in the background above ground. Look out for a super cool slo-mo moment when Kurt hooks onto Millbee and pulls him back! Another cool slo-mo happens when Millbee pulls him onto the right track. Very neat moments to check out!

At the end Kurt and Millbee are at neck and neck to win the round. Who wins? Watch and find out!!

Friday 30 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #406


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie and a creeper and... yikes! Luckily Kurt senses it with his amazing powers and quickly flees the hidey hole with Wolfie, reaches the shore safely, makes some boats and away they sail!

Kurt talks more about VintageBeef's adventure and how it's presented like some kind of reality tv experience. He also talks about how seeds spread in real life on peoples shoes when he finds some random seeds in his inventory. Hmmm...

Kurt also reveals that he purchased an Xbox One after much consideration, humming and hawing. He was pretty interested in Forza and one of his Patreon things was to cover some console gaming. He also wanted to take on VintageBeef's record times and stuff.

He talks about his experience and impressions, including how the controller thumbsticks seem tiny to him, compared the PlayStation ones he's used to.

He makes the first elevated hidey hole near some wild wolves and they hang around to make it their home afterwards. Wolfie has a nice chat with them too. :)

With his last console being a simple plug and play PlayStation 2, he talks about the big culture shock of downloading updates, including the 16 GB of updates the game itself uses and wonders if there's any data on the actual game disc at all. Oh man... welcome to modern day console gaming Kurt...

Anyway, he says he's gonna stream some footage once he gets the capture card for it. One year later he has quite a few Xbox One videos uploaded to his channel.

After a brief talk about recent space news he goes into donator questions.

Donator DeltaWhiskey asks "What are your thoughts, if any, on the independence referendum in Scotland?"

He doesn't have an opinion as it's not really something he as much to do with but hopes whatever happens it's a good thing. As for me, I'm more or less the same. We heard very little about the referendum over here in the news so it's not something I talked about with anyone that much.

Donator Joe from the UK asks "I was wondering what games you were looking forward to and how do those games compare to games you looked forward to 10 or 20 years ago?"

He talks about how in the times before the internet the hype was different and how he goes for the more indie style games now as well as driving sims. 10 or 20 years ago his interest in video games came and went and he played mostly stuff like first person shooter games among other random stuff. He finds it hard enough to think about what his solid gaming interests were back then.

As for me, 20 years ago it was really exciting to read about what the Nintendo 64 and 3D adventure games were going to be like in games magazines and 10 years ago it was hugely exciting all over again to read about the Wii. Nowadays there's stuff like Nintendo Direct that continues to make it fun but direct from the source which is pretty cool.

Kurt turns in for the second night. Waking up, he sees a skeleton paddling in a shallow pool nearby and quietly slips away to answer another donator question.

Anonymous Donator asks "Any plans for making a game? Or something themed for the Play MindCrack server?"

He doesn't really get involved with that kind of development, though he does talk about King of the Ladder. Might be tough to do on a public server though.

As for me, I have an interest in making games but no plans for one.

Donator GrumpyOldMan asks "If you get back into KSP again, would you try Scott Manley's challenge for getting into space and back in the quickest amount of time?"

Kurt answers by talking at length about his on and off interest in the game. It's worth listening to for fans who miss his Kerbal Space Program videos. As for the challenge he's not sure.

I've never played the game myself but watching Kurt's videos were kinda neat. I hear it's coming to the Wii U so that sounds kinda cool.

On the last night he gives Wolfie a torch to keep him company and turns in to his hidey hole, talking about his MindCrack videos being livestreams for the moment.

They're tough but enjoyable to cover. I've decided to blog half an hour at a time for the livestreams.

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 3


We join Kurt and co. as they set out to recover the precious gold and diamond from the dangers of the lava pool. Kurt finds even more as he explores further. At one point they also hear the garage door of destiny (Kurt's neighbours! :) ).

They rendez-vous back at the base to cook all the stuff they found and make an anvil. Kurt smiths a chestplate for MCGamer. He goes to mine some coal in order to gain some experience levels for further smithing and enchanting.

It's peaceful times at this point as they build up their strength.

MCGamer's Minecraft client crashes but he comes back to the server without too much of a hitch.

Soon afterwards the donators' gifts start flowing into everyone's inventories again! It's fascinating watching everyone stand still in a circle to pay attention to the chat flowing with the goodies!

People gasp when the gift worth $1,000 appears in the list. MCGamer laughs with glee as he keeps getting regen potions.

As they prepare the base for an experience farm Kurt finds a big cluster of diamonds right next to it! Right under all their noses!

Much drama happens in the chat announcements from the other teams when Milbee enters the Nether and immediately burns to death, followed closely by Pyro. BlueBayou gets slain by SynHD and Baj dies in lava as he tried to escape AderZEL. Many gasps are had by our team as they witness these chat announcements from the comfort of their base and they figure there must've been a trap set by one of the groups.

I wonder what happened exactly? Better have a look at a video made from the perspective of one of these guys.

While Kurt harvests experience from zombies he gets hit by one of them and the "to be continued..." sign flashes immediately.

SpinTires #39


When we last left Kurt he got catastrophically stuck in the river with a big trailer. But with a new dawn comes a new hope so he employs another truck with a fuel tank to fill up the empty capable looking truck we found in a previous episode with the eventual goal of fishing it out. Whew! Let's get started!

Kurt travels along the smooth road nicely with the fuel tank. This road even has streetlights! We're finding all kinds of weird bits of civilization on this map, especially that apartment block in the last episode that is mysterious enough to inspire fan-theories as to what happened in this area years ago.

Kurt stops at a fuel depot to fill his tank and continues on the road afterwards. It's a nice sunny day and it isn't long before he finds the fuel-less vehicle.

Finally, a chance to control this powerful machine! The apparent disadvantage it has though is its steering. Kurt drives along for a while before deciding to switch back to another truck.

The idea is to go to the garage to carry another large trailer in order to unlock another garage. He puts on highway wheels since we're not going off-road with this one.

As he pulls in to this garage he has to deal with the big mud puddle in front of it and has a moment of regret on the earlier tyre decision. He has a bit of an awkward time but gets some momentum going and triumphs! The huge trailer delivery unlocks this garage and on to the next task!

He decides to go back to the fuel truck to bring it to the garage and accidentally drives past it. He turns around though and heads back to the garage through the same bad muddy patch at the entrance.

Sun is setting now as he unloads the fuel cistern and prepares a trailer for log carrying. The dark of night comes as he drives out of the garage and towards the suspicious looking lumber yard on the map.

Pretty dark and muddy here in the lumber yard at night where all there is to be seen are logs and a portable cabin (used as a little office maybe?). Lumberjack Kurt loads up quite a lot and heads back out to the street-lit highway, out to make his big delivery!

But what of the poor truck trapped in the river? Guess we'll find out in a future episode.

Thursday 29 October 2015

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 2


Witch attack! Kurt fires and misses with his only arrow as they attempt to defend their base in the abandoned mine shaft. Poor MCGamer is unlucky here and gets taken down to half a heart, earning the nickname "mchurt" in the chat. The witch is eventually safely dispatched with as Kurt sings "Ding dong!".

Some excitement and panicked whimpering follows as they decide to move their base, encountering mobs, watching each others back and occasionally whacking each other in the back accidentally. Things eventually calm a bit as they continue caving. Some players on the other team at this stage are earning diamonds.

MC goes for an ill-timed bathroom break as panic strikes again with a nametag sighting! They then think that maybe it was someone from their own team and calm down again.

Then the donator gifted items flow in! Pretty interesting to see the chat flow with the announcements of all the giftings. During this Kurt also finds some diamonds. The guys get a big kick out of all the gift announcements flowing... so much love from donators! It's an awesome thing :)

They conquer a zombie spawner, raid the chests and prepare to mine some nearby obsidian. Kurt crafts an enchanting table and puts Protection 1 on all his armour. They discover a big scary ravine nearby with lava flowing around. The other team members prepare their gear from all the stuff they receive too. MCGamer should be back up to a decent health by now...

The episode ends when Kurt finds a good batch of diamond and gold that was overlooked.

SpeedRunners with Orange Wool #14


The episode begins with a hoarse voiced Milbee. No Avidya today so it's just the three guys speedrunning against one another. Today we don't have Kurt The Flash but Kurt the... Tick? Trying to think of a superhero that wears all blue.

Not sure if different characters have anything other than cosmetic differences but Kurt continues to kick butt with a great start!

This first area takes place on a ship with a red skied harbour in the background.

The second area has a nice red sky as well and Kurt at one stage does an amusing impromptu rain dance chant! It looks like some kind of industrial area, judging from the structures in the background.

The third area they run in has a blue sky and a city background. Kurt and Milbee, both wearing blue, kind of blend in a little to the background. I wonder if they found that challenging?

Far Lands or Bust! #405


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he instructs Wolfie to attack a pig to which Wolfie responds by jumping off a ledge. Not to worry! It wasn't too deep.

Kurt reflects on the fun times enjoyed during the recent charity UHC competition as he walks across the ice and beyond.

He also brings up the big Minecraft news about Microsoft's now official buyout of Mojang. Rumours no more! He goes into detail about Notch's perspective on the whole thing for the rest of the first day. I'm still lamenting over the fact that it never appeared on the Wii and probably won't appear on the Wii U and so on.

Kurt says now's not the time to be freaking out over what bad thing may or may not happen and that he's congratulating Notch. I agree with him wholeheartedly. Again he's thankful that Minecraft helped establish himself on YouTube and I'm glad too since I get to enjoy amazing things like Far Lands or Bust!

Towards the end of the second day he talks about VintageBeef from MindCrack's news where he got a big chance to go to Italy to take part in some kind of video racing game promotion thingy which sounds pretty cool.

On the third day, Kurt goes to check out some cool cliff landform while answering questions!

Donator James from UK asks: "Have you been catching up with Peter Capaldi's take on Dr. Who?"

He says he hasn't. As for me I've never actually watched Dr. Who myself.

Second question(may be spoilery): "How do you feel about Jenna Coleman leaving Dr. Who and who has been your favourite companion?"

He doesn't know anything about the news and talks a bit about her character. Again, kind of over my head!

During the answering of this question, Wolfie slays a pig on instruction without falling in a hole!

As for favourite companion, he's only been watching the modern series so he only discusses characters like Amy Pond and Rose. As for me, I don't know who Billie Piper played but I'd tend to pick her as I grew up with her pop songs like "Honey to the Bee". Not a great reason but it's the only one I could pick at this stage if I were to be put in an arm twist!

Donator BaconRobot asks "What is your opinion of bacon and what is your opinion of robots?"

He likes bacon as he discussed in a previous episode where he recommended baking bacon instead of frying it. He likes the robots that go into outer space and take pictures of alien planets. He then talks about Rosetta, a project about landing on a comet which is quite interesting and lasts until the evening.

As for me, yes I like both as well!

Kurt wraps up the episode by giving Wolfie a non-smoking light, thanking the people who donated to the UHC charity and again, congratulating Notch and Mojang and looks forward to the future.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

GRID Autosport Career Mode #39


Today Kurt soups up his ride and goes racing on Okutama, a track with lovely trees and mountains in the background. He then goes to sunny Autódromo do Avacado (ahem Algarve) for a time trial.

Interesting how it shows you rankings as you do the time trial and how good or bad you're doing at the moment. Most games just log times at the end of laps and compare after the end of the race. After this he races actual cars.

Looked up the two places and they're real racetracks in Japan and Portugal. Well, there's my horizons broadened :)

The pit crew talks in this game too. "Just cosmetic damage" they say. "But today is school picture day!" Kurt jokes.

" would be a shame if something were to happen to it" is something I haven't heard him say in a long long time! He used to give creepers in Minecraft that phrase.

He fares pretty well in this episode.

MindCrack Minecraft Charity UHC #ForTheKids Part 1


Special charity edition of the Mindcrack fight n' survival competition! This time it's for a good cause. Donating viewers were able to gain the ability to spectate in-game and give helpful items to the participants. Pretty interesting twist on the usual formula! Kurt's teamed up with McGamer, DireDwarf and brentcopeland.

We join the guys getting resources and talking about supporting charities. They find some apples in trees fairly quickly which will come in handy. They also laugh and joke as they try to come up with a team name. The sun doesn't move so there's no fear of night. Kurt hunts for food, finding lots of chickens.

They assemble in a cave MC made where they cook all the cool all the stuff they gathered. There's tons of iron stuff and they all end up with the habit of saying "indeed!". Ahh bonding!

Kurt explores the cave and abandoned mineshaft and collects more stuff like web string for bows. He also finds a gold ingot and a couple of skeletons take him by surprise. Kurt manages to make it past them, losing only 1 heart. A lot more iron gets dug and a chicken is hatched. Just then, Coestar gets slain by an enderman.

Towards the end of the video they suit up in iron equipment while fighting off zombies and the episode ends on a witch cliffhanger! Yikes!

Eidolon #02


We join survivor Kurt as he asks the fish to please be caught before his campfire burns out. Then he heads out in search of the lake, wondering where the ambient acoustic guitar guy is.

The music did just suddenly stop and there's this sense of isolation it leaves.

Kurt eventually reaches a lake and a deer (not a female deer). It's not the lake he had in mind and his map doesn't have a "You are here" indicator so he has to figure out where he is by looking between his surroundings and the map.

He gets pretty into the game and ascertains that he must be in Washington!

Unlike Minecraft, food spoils in this game. Some blackberries and mushrooms go bad in his inventory.

Venturing along for a while, he makes another fire and sleeps in the rain. Yeesh, really roughing it up... We get some more poetry read by Kurt's radio voice.

It's pretty foggy and rainy now. Kurt ventures more in search of the lake. He reaches another body of water and walks along, talking about how much he's enjoying the game and kicks himself as to why he didn't play it sooner. The survival aspect is pretty engaging and not difficult to the extreme.

He comes across a thorny patch and stops to mull over the letter and map. He fishes more too and worries about if he's giving enough commentary. I think he'll be fine since he's really enjoying the experience. He quotes Smokey the Bear as he puts out his campfire :) he'll be fine!

Towards the end of the video he toggles between running and walking and ends up tiring himself out so he has to rest near a blackberry bush, even though it's still daytime. Will this mess up his daily sleeping and waking cycle? Tune in next time to find out!

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Mindcrack Server: Pig Repopulation! Weekly Livestream Part 3 of 3


After the successful pig project, Kurt sets out to return the stuff and comes across weird stuff like two creepers stuck together. He also does a nice silly Christopher Walken style impression. and explores the inside of the oddly shaped silo.

Towards the end he does a bit more caving along with some more exciting encounters with multiple mobs at once, then heads back up to the surface before wrapping things up.

Mindcrack Server: Pig Repopulation! Weekly Livestream Part 2 of 3


We join Kurt in the second half hour and the pig repopulation project begins! He grabs a lasso, some carrots and plans out his route.

Back at the pig tree he carefully makes a little stairwell to help the pig down safely and leads it along with the rope, through woods and across a river over which he builds a little footbridge.

More talk about his back and the chair... hope he'll be alright.

He eventually makes his way back to the farm and puts the pig in a spacious pen in the barn.

On the way back to the pig tree he sees a bed out in the open and catches us all (and himself!) off guard with a joke about bed-napping. It is pretty unexpected and makes for an excellent double entendre! :)

He sleeps on a bed in the giant Guude head before going to the pig tree. He then has to deal with a skeleton nearby while he escapes through the woods with the other pig on the lasso. Serpentine, serpentine!

He has some trouble with this pig breaking loose from the lasso for some reason. Maybe it was because he was moving faster?

Towards the end of the second half hour he successfully gets the pig into the barn with the other one and he breeds them with the carrots.

He then sets out to return the stuff he borrowed.

Mindcrack Server: Pig Repopulation! Weekly Livestream Part 1 of 3


Nice idea for a livestream! We join the intrepid Kurt as he asks the chat participants about the location of the network of caves he was exploring earlier. The wonders of livestreaming!

He explores out and follows the tracks for a while and makes his way through Western Town. He mentions how he begins the livestreams with space launches which is a disadvantage of watching the archived stream on YouTube later. Oh well.

At one point he comes across an interesting castle someone built during the night with doors lined outside of it and goes to VintageBeef's place where he does some caving. At this point he talks about his exercise routine of push-ups and about his chair giving him trouble with his back with all of its adjustments. He fears that he may have overdone it at some point. I have this fear sometimes with my walking routine and if my body tries to tell me if I overdo it or not.

An interesting moment comes up when he mines emerald and has an exciting encounter with a bunch of mobs. This is my first time hearing about emerald being something you can mine. He's also able to dispatch a witch without any damage done to himself.

Towards the end of the first half hour he accidentally has a creeper blast away the wall of someone's rail tunnel. He then sets out to repair it while apologising profusely! Turns out that it was Pyro's structure. He finishes repairing and heads to the surface. He pauses at the end of the first half hour to watch a rocket launch, possibly something he did together with chat participants on Twitch.

Monday 26 October 2015

SpeedRunners with MCGamer, Milbee & Avidya #13


We join the guys as they race through a new stage which has a giant library in it. They then go back to the same stage as before and Kurt gets a clean sweep win! Yeah! Go Kurt!

In the next stage the other guys make a big comeback but Kurt the Flash doesn't make it too easy for 'em!

Far Lands or Bust! #404


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

The day begins with a 404 mention! The title of the video comes in to play with Wolfie as we'll see soon.

During the first day Kurt talks about local weather and space weather and how he'd love to see the aurora borealis and a solar eclipse.

At one stage he places a floating piece of cobblestone just above a bit of grass! So magical!

He also talks a bit more about the rumoured Mojang buyout. He's taking it in his stride.

Donator Jawes ("Jaws", not "Jah-ways"! and Kurt humorously chants the John Williams score) asks "The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I have decided to donate to promote awareness. Would you take a few minutes to discuss ALS and why awareness and donations are important?"

He talks about it a little and also about the Ice Bucket Challenge. The stunt part isn't for him but he's in favour of the good cause. As for me, well, over here it's better known as Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and I knew someone who passed away from it within the past couple of years so I support the cause too. Like Kurt though, the stunt part of it isn't something I'd personally do. I think it was a cool thing though(in every sense of the word).

Donator Roz asks "What's the city Chicago like? What can I expect?"

Kurt answers that you can expect no seasons and weird weather extremes! Kind of like here too, where you can get all seasons in one day. He's not a big fan of the big built up city with old buildings and scaffolding and the claustrophobic aspect. He recommends areas outside the centre of the city for visiting. He gives good advice for pizza though, including the gluten-free variety and for sightseeing. Well worth heeding his advice!

Eidolon #01


First post about Eidolon! From the developers of Proteus, Kurt tries this game out!

Our intrepid explorer begins by picking bits and pieces from a steep slope in a forest during inclement weather, remembering his Bear Grylls advice. Survival is the name of the game here but also seems to have the similar nice atmosphere that Proteus has.

He finds some water and catches some fish while figuring out what to do. He's doing pretty well but it is sunset and he's worried about surviving and finding a place to sleep. He heads towards two strange shiny beacons.

He gets a fire going, finds berries and has a map too. He's gonna be just fine!

Then he sees some wolves... yikes.

Various things happen, including an amusing moment when he come to terms with a compass that points north rather than at a Minecraft spawn point!

Later on he finds a letter and towards the end of the video he makes a fire for the night and a poem appears onscreen.

It sounds like a nice game and it's nice taking this trip with him playing it.

SpinTires #38


We join Kurt as he sets out to decloak the last remaining hidden spot on the map which seems to be tucked away on an island in the river. Along the road he comes across a massive urban looking apartment complex which looks post apocalyptic and abandoned. It does look really out of place. Weird!

The explore river achievement is eventually unlocked easily as it's straight across from the weird building. He then plans out his next step...

As he runs over the foliage he adds his own sound effects "Crunch!" as he goes over his plans for carrying lumber, going back to the left side of the map(where he started).

The menu's font reminds me of the Geneva font on old Macintosh computers but doesn't look exactly like it.

As he drives over some mushrooms he declares himself not a "fun-guy" and goes on a mushroom tangent, talking about how he likes them as a topping but not as a big massive thing in a salad or burger. He talks more about like-it or hate-it polarising food as he drives through the river at night.

As for me I share this opinion. Nice small mushrooms can be tasty as long as they're cooked right. An entire mushroom burger? Eesh!

He goes on to carry a bigger load and ventures out to unlock the garages he decloaked.

Things get tense when he carries the big load through the river in the dead of night and... it doesn't turn out so pretty... Glub glub indeed!

Patreon Update Number Four September 11, 2014


There's a very exciting update in this video Kurt announces and that's the stretch goal for commercial free videos for 2015. Sounds pretty crazy and I don't know if he reached it but if it is something that works then it's something quite beautiful indeed.

I'll blog about Kurt's vlogs too!

GRID Autosport Career Mode #38


Today boy racer Kurt does a time trial in a Formula 1 style car before going up against other cars in a full race. Interesting to see the rewind feature being used again and how there being a limited number of them forces one to manage them carefully. Kurt makes a Groundhog Day joke and seeks lots of slipstream. Later on he does some rally car driving... or at least I think they're rally cars. Wouldn't be a car racing buff myself.

SpeedRunners with MCGamer, Milbee & Avidya #12


Kurt the Flash now has Avidya to deal with now that he's in full swing and gives Kurt a real challenge! This makes for an often close and exciting match of speed demons but Kurt still manages to do very well.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #403


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. Gaining!

Woken up by a cow, Kurt begins his day. He talks about Internet Slowdown Day, discusses issues around net neutrality and talks in slo-mo!

Much of this episode is about discussing the rumour behind Microsoft buying Mojang. Oh man! I remember the days wishing for Minecraft to be released on the original Wii and I still feel sad due to it being one of those big missed opportunities. Now of course, the buyout actually happened. Kurt has a long discussion about it that's worth checking out anyway.

Near the second elevated hidey hole Kurt names a nearby mound "Burning Zombie Mound" that spawned a zombie on top before he went to sleep.

Donator TestForEcho asks: "Which do you prefer: Ice cream, frozen yoghurt or sherbet?"

Kurt opts for Ice Cream and talks about gluten related subjects, while contemplating the irony of burning in the lava pool he avoided while answering the question. As for me, Ice cream is my choice here as well.

Donator Adomoo(sp?) asks: "What would you do if you could no longer make a living from doing YouTube videos? Would you get a job in the "real world", perhaps doing voice acting or an announcer job? Would you switch to some other media website such as Twitch and do more livestreams?"

Kurt isn't sure but he talks about his recent Patreon projects, stuff for the rest of 2014 and 2015 and how he'd always like to be involved with the internet in some way. As for me, maybe Patreon is something I can use myself someday. Just have to figure out what I have to offer.

He calls Wolfie "Nood" again instead of "Noodle" before hitting the hay in his hidey hole.

Hang around at the end of the video for another slow-mo joke!

Spintires #37


Today Kurt explores more of the area to remove the dark cloaking from the map and hopes to find garages and more vehicles.

We join our intrepid explorer as he gets stuck in a mud hole until beyond sunset. The game seems to have so much atmosphere that at one stage he thinks he heard something.

He jump cuts to after the mud hole and talks about his gnat pest solution using apple cider vinegar and dishwater liquid. Pretty interesting. He also unlocks some kind of driver achievement for some reason.

Other curiosities he finds are other garages, one very capable looking vehicle which doesn't have any fuel and an outhouse near a cabin. Yes, imagine being in there while a big truck is offroading outside!

Just one more cloak to uncover by the episode's end which will be saved for next time! Could be dangerous as it's in the middle of the river.

GRID Autosport Career Mode #37


First blog post about GRID! This game has an interesting rewind feature where if you mess up you can rewind and do that bit again immediately. It's like some kind of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time thing.

Kurt's decent enough at this game and uses his steering wheel controller when he plays. Not so fond of drifting and the endurance mode though! "Drifting is my gluten" he says, making a joke about his next country album title. He does a few races in the daytime and nighttime.

SpeedRunners with Orange Wool #11


The episode we've been waiting for! Milbee and MCGamer are there again and Avidya has some technical difficulties so he's not able to hang around.

The big laugh comes from the when the episode's namesake "Sucker Face" is mentioned. It sounds like something else and everyone has a big laugh woo!

Btw and I've said it before but Kurt's really good at this game!

Far Lands or Bust! #402


Current distance from Kurt: 119 episodes. Falling behind by 1! Man that livestream really took up a lot of my Far Land time but it was fun and adventuresome in itself. Let's continue!

We rejoin Kurt and Wolfie on their epic journey. Throughout the first day Kurt talks about the SpaceX Falcon 9 satellite launch and weird headphone noises while also talking about the next episode of SpeedRunners and how much of a hoot it's gonna be. We shall see in the next blog entry!

Anyway back to Kurt and Wolfie and on to the second day. Wolfie has some clumsy antics and at one stage Kurt has to fend off a sudden creeper attack. Near the elevated hidey hole stands a monolith with a bit of sand covering it. Kurt cleans it off and snaps a screenshot with Wolfie and comes up with a new name for him, "Nood!". "Sit still ya nood!" he says. Later on he makes some surround sounding sheep "nood" as well as he shears them.

Donator Florent has two questions. They ask "Are you in the Far Lands yet?"

"No" he says and mentions how he was 1.4 million blocks from spawn at the last F3 press and the Far Lands themselves being roughly 12.5 million blocks away so it's quite a long way to go yet. Will this blog last that long? We shall see...

Second question from them is "Consequently, what is currently broken about the environment?"

Just the jittery-ness of blocks and Wolfie's crazy teleportation abilities into blocks and boats which puts us all on the edge of our seats. Weird floating and flat structures are just part of the beauty of the earlier terrain generation.

At the end of the second day Kurt makes the elevated hidey hole near a cool overhanging slab cliff structure.

Donator Youngblade asks "Do you have any thoughts about open source software; have you ever considered doing let's plays of open source games, so that you won't need to worry about copyright issues or so your viewers can freely get the games themselves?"

Kurt generally likes open source software. He discusses terminology and how freeware is different. He goes into how he likes the indie games too and often plays them on his channel.

As for me, yes I think open source software and freeware can be friggin' awesome! Indie games are good if they're good!

Around this point Kurt takes another cool screenshot of a prominent peak in the distance.

Donator TestForEcho asks two questions. The first: "If you were to die in the Far Lands or Bust world and couldn't find the site of where you died what would you do?"

He says he would continue on! Also hopes Wolfie would respawn nearby. I think this is a good attitude. All about the journey rather than the items!

At one stage he comes across a tree that has snow on it. None of the others nearby have snow so he calls it the dandruff tree.

The second question: "When you start console gaming and after you do PS2 games, would you consider getting a 7th gen console as well as an 8th?"

He considers many things about the new generation and issues like backwards compatibility. Also talks about how he'd be interested in Forza on one console and Journey on the other. He is at the moment thinking of testing games in his PS2 collection. He seems to be a PC guy mostly though.

As for me, I have 7th and 8th gen consoles but only Nintendo ones. I guess we can't have everything in common! They're usually OK for backwards compatibility when it's one generation behind.

Friday 23 October 2015

Mindcrack Mini-Marathon - Sept. 6, 2014 - Hour 4 of 4


We join our hero Kurt as he chills out with the chat for a short while and makes a joke about how the rabbit hide looks like Batman or "Rabbatman!". Jokes! :D

He thinks about building something and registers his interest in an available plot by altering the sign by amending it with

"Kurt is interested in this!"

He spends a good bit of this hour exploring the town, figuring out what to do and climbs to the top of a castle and gets a good view as the sun sets.

At one stage he goes to AnderZ's place with the underwater dome. There's a cabin at the entrance with a disturbing rabbit staring at the corner for some reason and Kurt finds some equipment enchanted with some diving properties. This enables him to explore underwater without worrying too much about finding air or moving slowly.

After this he goes to this really tall tower and tries the daredevil archery game where you jump off the tower, bounce on the platforms and hit the targets. He falls to his doom unfortunately and nearly all his stuff scatters into the deep ocean. Oh no!!

He attempts to get it back using the torch and cobble air trick but it's just too awkward to do, so after drowning he jump sprints back to AnderZ's cabin to get the diving equipment.

He was looking for adventure, but adventure found him! Lots of funny almost swearing happens!

He finally gets his stuff back thanks to the diving equipment and puts up a funny sign near the base of the tower:

"0 yelps terribly designed would not play again. -yelper123"

Pretty funny :)

On his way back he finds pigs up in a tree, which are supposedly very rare on the server and makes another sign:

"There are pigs in this tree. ^"

The rest of the hour he wanders around more, expertly sniping a zombie and then decides to end the stream by chancing the Nether portal again.

So he puts all his equipment in the Nether chest and other nearby chest and heads through with just his iron sword.

He is promptly killed again by the zombie pigman and spawns all the way back on the tower of his least favourite archery mini-game. DANG IT!

Mindcrack Mini-Marathon - Sept. 6, 2014 - Hour 3 of 4


Running around in the dark of night, our hero Kurt comes across Market town and finds the shops that are in development. He then heads towards spawn and hangs out, exploring more of the structures.

The apartment complex he explores is pretty fun as was the moment he opened the chest that said DO NOT TOUCH!

I have to ask though, what is that weird structure with the creeper face? It just has a bunch of buttons and a door underneath. What is it?

Kurt then heads back to the farm to cook some more potatoes and all the iron and gold he has collected from the ravines. He spends a couple of days there while also contemplating the barn roof and silo which bother him enough to gather wood and Google image search for barn roofs. Maybe it's for the best he decided to let it go in the end...

At this point in the livestream, he's also dealing with fatigue, where his voice is going slightly and his head is getting uncomfortable from having the headphones clamped on for this long. I'm dealing with that myself as I'm watching all of this in one go, taking breaks to blog.

I'm not sure I understand paulsoaresjr's building with all the floors and apartments. It's about TV or something? I don't get it. It's like some kind of diorama.

We're just chilling now, looking around at other people's structures. Kurt finds vintagebeef's place which is a nice little retreat. He then finds a single egg in a chest next to the bed and comes up with these words of wisdom:

"An egg next to your bed is worth 5 in the sheets"

Inspiring! Profound! Fun :)

Kurt does another bit of caving and drops in on a big bunch of mobs! All that iron comes in handy here!

Later on he goes into the Nether and dies at the entrance due to a zombie pigman! Spawning at the farm, he counts all the stuff he had in his inventory as he sprint jumps back, grabbing a stack of cooked chicken before reaching it. Luckily his stuff got scattered on the entrance to the Nether and he quickly recollects it all.

He then finds an Ender chest and puts his valuables in. The rest of the hour is reserved for recuperation and talking about the MindCrack charity event.

Mindcrack Mini-Marathon - Sept. 6, 2014 - Hour 2 of 4


Our hero Kurt explodes into the second hour by smothering a zombie with gravel. He immediately uncovers a ravine and goes exploring underground for the next hour.

It's quite eventful! On reaching the bottom he's outnumbered so he tries to get the skeletons to shoot one another.

Through further exploring and iron discoveries he finds a skeleton spawner conveniently located at the border of the world. Some goodies here like saddles, horse armour, records and a name tag are found in chests.

Later on, PauseUnpause makes an appearance as Kurt finds more ravines! Parallel ravines!

Soon afterwards Kurt tries to check the chat and shortly after that the livestream crashes. Oops!

Back and running again, Kurt explores more, this time trying for gold and finding a good bit in a huge cavern with mushrooms and a world border, running into all kinds of baddies, even a witch whom he slays in the nick of time. A witch gave him a lot of trouble in a previous season of Ultra Hardcore. I remember it well!

Now he's got iron coming out his ears! He carefully explores some lava pools, looking for diamond but finding only redstone and gold for a while. The chat tells him about all the lapis he's passing up but I didn't see any.

Finally he finds one block of diamond while at the same time stumbling upon a tunnel someone else dug. Whose is it? I've no idea...

Anyway the diamond blocks are near some lava so he carefully excavates and grabs all of it while still in one piece! He celebrates another of his many first discoveries of the season!

Towards the end of the hour he carefully tunnels his way back up to the surface, meeting the border now and again and appears above at night, greeted by a creeper and makes short work of it.

MindCrack Mini-Marathon - Sept 6, 2014 - Hour 1 of 4


First blog post about one of Kurt's archived livestreams! They're kinda long so I'll make one for each hour.

This is Kurt's debut on 1.8 and on the season 5 server. He spawns near a fountain at night and is welcomed by Baj and Pyro. Pyro later gives Kurt a tour of the mushroomy house he built with a hot tub on the roof and also welcomes him with food.

I always found the MindCrack community fascinating, broadcasting their Minecraft server from all the different perspectives and the Ultra Hardcore competitions are always really exciting!

So they chat for a while and Kurt explores the buildings and structures they've all made so far. Morning comes and Kurt continues exploring and gathering basic resources, even during the rain. He also checks out the area beyond the edge of the map and comes across zombies and one big cluster of creepers! Fortunately, our hero pulls through.

Kurt spends more time getting used to the latest version of Minecraft after a hiatus and focusing on Far Lands or Bust and marvels at the fact that sheep now drop meat. Didn't know that either myself until now, one year later after watching this.

There are other changes too like the faces now appearing on the online list of players. Kurt does a bit of caving, looking for iron before leaving at dawn. He talks about how he doesn't eat breakfast in real life anymore. I usually try to eat breakfast myself. He usually just has coffee but today he had to eat something before the livestream started.

There's an interesting area damned off from water that has some surface iron in the sand that Kurt explores. By this point Pyro and baj log off from doing their own things so it's just Kurt exploring all the curiosities the server has to offer.

He struggles with boats which is pretty entertaining as he's not used to the different way they behave now.

At this stage he wants to find the farm town project the others have been working on so he explores more, going through a jungle along the way. He gets so hungry at one stage he has to eat a spider eye but soon he finds some watermelon. Luckily they're not as rare as he feared! They seem to be common on the jungle edge biome.

Finally he finds the farm town with the... unusually shaped silo and immediately raids (and replenishes!) the potato crop. He gets cosy near the door of the barn, cooking the potatoes and then decides to turn in for the night. Luckily he's the only one on the server!

He collects some eggs from the barn, makes some iron equipment and towards the end of the hour he looks at the chat and is asked about the missing quartz on the door. Maybe it's rare? I dunno myself... I have no idea about quartz in the game.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Call of Duty: UO Multiplayer #11


This time Kurt (*ahem* Major Mac, beg your pardon!) is in the team with fewer players. The arena this time is some factory area with snow all around.

Joined with Coestar and Pyroro against PauseUnpause, Scott, Baj and Parv, they have a tough time of it too, sometimes dying as soon as they spawn but they hold their own and put up a decent fight.

SpinTires #36


Kurt prepares to cross the river in this episode. In the dark of night he makes his way to the shore. There are some light and presumably shallow bits of the river on the map aside from the part covered by the cloaking which is kind of bothersome. It's worth getting as much intel as possible about the area right?

He decides to go back to the garage for some new tyres instead and his rendition of "In the middle of the night" is quite entertaining :)

He gets majorly stuck in a big watery hole just outside the garage and it takes until morning to get out of it. All in good fun and more than enough reason to upgrade to some better tyres! 

I like the route planning system this game has. I'm familiar using this kind of thing from playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Many games probably have it now.

After much careful planning and upgrading he eventually crosses the river, using the islands strategically. Water does some serious damage as we can see at one point when the truck gets almost completely submerged! Quite the nerve-wracking moment!

SpeedRunners with Orange Wool #10


First post about SpeedRunners!

It's one of those recent 2D Steam games that focus a lot on multi-player. This one is a competitive racing-platformer with a superhero theme.

Kurt's pretty good at this game! He stands his own well against a couple of the other guys from the MindCrack crew, in this case, MCGamer and Milbee. Kurt plays as the red guy.

MCGamer makes my day when he attempts to sing the DK Rap from Donkey Kong 64 and Milbee at one stage does some commentary and ends up annoying himself.

Hmmm.... I wonder if my own commentary has any value or if it's just annoying. Still figuring this stuff out.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #401


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes

The "four" theme from the previous episode continues when Kurt wakes to find 4 creepers outside his hidey hole for him to deal with. Yikes!

After dealing with them he changes the colour of the west wool on the 400 structure from red to yellow and away he goes again with Wolfie on his journey.

Most of the first day he talks about the 4 hour livestream special for his MindCrack Season 5 debut. I'll be blogging about this too! Perhaps for an hour at a time. We'll see.

On the second day he answers two more user questions from Alzerath (spelling?) from the last episode.

The first is "What future event that is outside the scope of your lifetime would you wish you could see?"

Kurt has some interesting answers about Martian expeditions and habitable exoplanets.

As for me, I would like to see a similar thing happen or at least seeing something that would make these things very easy to do.

The second question is "Your coffee has become room temperature. What do you do?
A Drink it as it is
B Add ice to chill it
C Reheat it"

Kurt opts for A, not being partial to the other two. I wouldn't blame him. I've heard people argue about reheating coffee in a microwave before and I can't imagine doing that myself.

As for me, I don't drink coffee so my answer is D: None of the above! If I did though, I think I'd be a coffee connoisseur like Kurt!

Towards the end of the second day there's a cool sand tumble when he places a dirt block in a sand hole that's worth watching! Before he tucks himself into bed, Wolfie teleports up to his elevated hidey hole and nearly pushes him out! Good thing he doesn't steal the sheets!

On the third day he answers 3 questions from Mike:

The first is "What is the most rewarding aspect about having YouTube as a career?"

Kurt talks about being self-employed and how interesting it is to meet global peers at events.

As for me, I don't have a YouTube career but I'd love to be my own boss.

The second question is "What's the most challenging aspect?"

Kurt talks about the workload and his own sense of perfectionism being a challenge as well as some aspects of social media.

Again, not applicable to me, though I'm not that fond of social media.

Kurt makes a waterfall off a cliff and carefully descends with Wolfie.

The third question is "If you could change anything about YouTube what would it be?"

Kurt mentions content ID and especially the forced Google Plus integration when YouTube was just perfectly successful as it was, though he's still thankful that he's able to make a career out of YouTube.

As for me I loved the earlier YouTube as well when it wasn't shoving all kinds of stuff in your face. One thing I missed from the earlier days of Far Lands or Bust was looking at a list of archived videos on numbered pages. Now it just has a "Load more" button, which I have to keep clicking when the archive is very large. Always found that annoying and wish it never happened.

During the third day Kurt also takes some postcard pictures with Wolfie in front of some epic cliffs and floating islands in the background, while trying to get him to sit in the right spot for it! There was no trouble earlier when Wolfie tried to hop into bed!

Call of Duty: UO Multiplayer #10


First time writing about a Call of Duty!

I've... never actually played a game in this series. Yet, here I am watching Kurt and some of the MindCrackers play multi-player together.

This is one of the older installments from earlier in the last decade, for which Kurt bears a fond nostalgia. I was probably playing Perfect Dark 64 or Ecks Vs. Sever on GBA at that stage. In any case it's nice to see them play a version that they like.

Kurt was on the winning team though they did outnumber the other team by 1.

SpinTires #35


I'll be covering other series Kurt does on my little YouTube watching and blogging hobby, though it will mainly be Far Lands or Bust!

This is my first time writing about SpinTires, which is an interesting off-road driving and navigation simulator thingy and is one of those Kickstarter success stories. Kurt's obviously taken a shine to it, seeing how this is his 35th episode playing.

I'm getting a pretty good impression of what the game has to offer in Kurt's playthrough here, where he explores the river map with a few of the vehicles and removes parts of the the cloaking on the map as he goes, while also finding cabins and garages.

It all seems pretty adventuresome. It's fun to see him take all kinds of risks to drive away from the mud beaten path and drive through the woods, seeing what trees will and won't bend out of the way.

It's also pretty entertaining the way he swears, whether it's "Sugar!" or "pith and vinegar!" which is a new one on me. (His Lovely Planet series has quite a lot of these too.)

Monday 19 October 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #400


Current distance from Kurt: 119 episodes

We start off with an hour long episode! It's a special one because it celebrates this milestone so there are special events Kurt does in fours. It's also significant for being recorded in 1080p.

Outside his hidey hole adorned with four lovely yellow flowers, he's welcomed by congratulatory creepers, spiders and a skeleton! Our hero escapes by wading backwards through the water while shooting at them.

Throughout the first day he reflects on his long journey and on other milestone celebrations he's done like the glowstone he bravely retrieved from the Nether. As we all know, he's still playing in this version of Minecraft because the Far Lands were removed from later versions. At this stage the FLoB world has grown to just shy of 14 GB.

A bit of my own reflection: Several months after he started the first episode I was looking for good Minecraft videos on YouTube and found him to be a likeable presence. After watching X's Adventures in Minecraft myself lots more people started making videos and I found Kurt this way. Since then I was always playing catch up and always falling behind! Hopefully starting this blog will help me stick to my little catch up routine.

He ends the first day with a very professional snore and seeks out materials involved in his special activities for this episode, coming across and clearing out a spider spawner which was also infested with zombies, finding no redstone but cocoa beans instead.

Soon afterwards he makes a base camp where he places a gate around Wolfie and prepares for one of the rare occasions he goes caving in this series in hopes to find redstone, diamond and slimes.

He properly begins caving after the second night. He spends this on his elevated hidey hole at the base camp, where he lights the place up thoroughly.

On burrowing deep with a MindCrack Ultra Hardcore style stairwell he remarks how much darker it is underground in this version of the game. He also briefly goes into a viewer question from Alzeraf (spelling?) "What aspect of YouTube has caught you the most off-guard over the years?". He replies that he didn't expect a fan following to a personal hobby which he started out of being dissatisfied with his old job and the way his life was going and having no rewarding creative outlets.

I feel this is something I can relate to as well! I want to improve on these areas in my life too and I hope that blogging will lead to something rewarding, but who knows yet? I must continue on my own journey...

Just as he contemplates branch mining he finds a heap of redstone! A good day's work done at the end of the third day!

On the fourth day he finds that his stairwell leads directly into another heap of redstone! His amazing luck continues when he finds 4 diamonds in the corner of the hollowed out space he made for slime spawning. It was the first time since about episode 8 when he found diamonds in this world years ago and they look so bright when he finds them too.

He comes back up to the base camp and makes 4 pistons and a lever, which he's never made before. He also tries to guess making cookies but couldn't figure out how to make them, let alone gluten free ones!

Finished caving, he feeds Wolfie for good behaviour and makes a hidey hole nearby, using the pistons for the doors.

It's the end of the fourth day but he still has to make the commemorative structure, so he has to go into a fifth day.

He makes the structure with a block of netherrack on top of posts, the 4 pistons he places on the 4 sides of the netherrack with the platforms facing outwards, the lever on top of the netherrack that makes the pistons push out in their 4 directions and 4 red wool on the piston platforms for added effect. He then makes the cobblestone foundation with 4 torches, a sign that reads "The 4 Pistons of Episode 400 -- Sep. 3, 2014" and decorates the foundation with redstone lines and a little symmetrical path. He then digs the little path out and puts hardwood floor blocks in. Very neat looking structure when you pull the lever!

Unfortunately he didn't find any slimes in the cave he dug out at the foundation. Perhaps they're metal slimes? ;)

Before he signs off on the fifth night he announces a special 4 hour livestream for meeting his donation and episode milestones, playing 4 hours of MindCrack Season 5 in version 1.8.

I will blog about Kurt's MindCrack adventures too so it's not just Far Lands or Bust I have to catch up on. Let's see if I can pull this off and see how my writing style evolves! :)