Friday 19 February 2016

Kurt & Brian's Wayward Wonders 25 - Jafar the Spider


Kurt and Brian reunite and Kurt gets his stuff back! I just noticed that there's a "Butter Sword". That's a pretty amusing thing to think about! What's it used for? Buttering a giant piece of bread? The mind boggles!

Wow that hall with everyone standing at the table is kinda interesting. Imagine running across the table in front of them!

Amazing timing and slow-mo moment where Brian says something about downstairs and then the floor opens out from under him!! Wow!

Later on they find a cool castle with a garden. Later on still there's a big Taj Mahal palace with a bad guy named Jafar, in the form of a spider laying web. Kurt slays him. They explore the place a little more, finding treasures.

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