Sunday 28 February 2016



Current distance from Kurt: 81 episodes. No change!

Kurt asks Wolfie what episode it is. It's a normal non-livestreamed episode today. Kurt arranges the next livestream.

He sees a floating island that's not actually floating but is supported by a very thin structure underneath. Nice little sight.

The jitteriness is getting to be a bit much so Kurt advises looking at the horizon for us (and for himself!)

He gets a question about wristwatches. He says he likes wearing one and I do too! I normally wear Casio ones. He likes the Timex Nato strap ones and they look interesting. He talks about a Detroit watch company too that he likes.

He has an interest in visiting Ireland. If he does come here I hope he has a nice time :) I'm actually not big on international travel myself. Wasn't raised that way either.

I had to look up Hearthstone. It's a card game! Doesn't seem like Kurt's style of game. Wouldn't be mine either.

Learning by gaming is an interesting topic! It's true, you can learn stuff from video games.

I like the way he greets the wolves and then the pumpkins :) it's nice.

He discusses time zones and why we have them. He has a good point. I don't mind them at all.

The final hidey hole looks a little tall, strange and kinda dangerous too with all the gravel.

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