Thursday 11 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #473 - Invisible Signwriting


Current distance from Kurt: 84 episodes. No change!

Kurt comes across a submerged spawner he saw on his way back to the floating point border thing. Loads of iron in it!

He puts up a sign that says "Elevated Hidey Hole of Sign Testomitry. Woo." and it vanishes into the block! It's another very cool experiment and a good way to conclude the experiments!

Some Pluto and Ceres news. Those new pictures of Ceres are kinda cool. Just looked them up there.

Kurt sees another elevated hidey hole. He's on the same path back :)

He talks about Eva a lot and how he's getting along with her as a new dog owner. This is kind of timely, as lately I've been looking after a dog for a friend. Like Eva, this dog likes people, but isn't that crazy about other dogs.

He's right, Earthrise is a pretty cool photograph :)

Some funny interruptions with gnats flying into his face. I guess not having to deal with bugs is a nice thing about the cold weather here at the moment!

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