Thursday 4 February 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #469


Current distance from Kurt: 87 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he emerges from the fertile earth. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt talks about recent eclipses solar and lunar and how he preferred sleep to catching this lunar one. I'm the same!

He talks about the recent livestream where he revisited his old saves from pre-FLoB. It was pretty interesting watching the archives on YouTube.

Kurt topples a very high sand bridge with cacti on top. Pretty cool thing to see!

Now for donor questions. Names in big font here until the episode where the donation goal is met!

Donor Roseachu asks a few questions. "What are your views on feminism?"

Kurt talks about it for a while. He says he would be a feminist since he's in favour of equality, though he's not personally vocal. To me, he seems to like the idea of making people's lives better in general and that's a good thing.

"What was your favourite chocolate bar from your childhood and now, your adulthood?"

Kurt says he liked the coconut based bars like the Almond Joy. Nowadays he likes the Reese's pieces. He discusses this for a while too.

"Where are your vlogs at, dude? We miss your face!" & "What happened to ye old dog plans?"

There's that nice Dog Vlog that he did. :)

"Kurtjmac, why don't you play Kerbal Space Program? Please, please, Kurtjmac?"

Kurt says he might wait for the full release.

Donor FullMetalKnee asks "I have had two major knee surgeries, hence the name, although never have broken a bone. Have you ever had surgery before?"

He said he never broke a bone before, though he did dislocate a small toe or something.

"Do you like hot tea? I've recently gotten into the loose leaf hobby and it's awesome!"

Kurt says he tried it and it's alright, though he still prefers coffee. He discusses the various options for a while.

Donor Anonymous asks "Are you a fan of history? If so, what is your favourite region or time period?"

Kurt's interested in the various types of pyramids and he talks about the time he visited some. He also liked learning about World War II.

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